05/03/2019 This repository contains supplementary data used in the research paper: Embedded Kinetic Simulation of Ganymede's Magnetosphere: Improvements and Inferences, Zhou et.al, JGR 2019. There are three ways to access the data: 1. using the IDL visualization toolkit in Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF); SWMF provides IDL macros for visualizing and postprocessing simulation outputs. See http://herot.engin.umich.edu/~gtoth/SWMF/GM/BATSRUS/Doc/index.html for more details. 2. using the Matlab toolkit; We also provide a new data reader in Matlab for postprocessing purposes. See https://github.com/henry2004y/VisAna for the source codes and documents. 3. using Tecplot for processing .plt files. Large 3D files from SWMF simulations are usually saved in Tecplot ascii format and then transformed to the binary *.plt format. These files can be read directly into Tecplot for visualizations in 3D. Descriptions of data: 1. run_G[#]_steady files contain the steady state solutions of all six Galileo flybys, with box cuts covering the Galileo trajectory for magnetic field comparisons and cut plots in x,y,z axis. These can be processed with either IDL or Matlab toolkit. 2. box_B_Galileo_G8.outs contain the 3D box output of the magnetic field covering Galileo spacecraft's trajectory for the 20mins time accurate simulation of G8 flyby. 3. DistPlot files contain the outputs for plotting the distribution functions near the upstream reconnection site. These can be processed using the scripts in VisAna/srcGanymede/PIC/ of the Matlab toolkit. 4. cut_particles*.out are the data used for mapping the energy flux density onto the moon’s surface. Particle 0 represents electrons and Particle 1 represents ions. There are in total 4 files with 2 for the northern hemisphere mapping and 2 for the southern hemisphere mapping. 3d_fluid_region0_0_t00000557_n00010710.out contains the 3d fluid moments outputs from the PIC region at the same snapshot of the mapping particles. box_var_2_t00000557_n00250489.out contains the magnetic field information for mapping to the surface. These can be processed using the scripts in VisAna/srcGanymede/PIC/LossCone/ of the Matlab toolkit. 5. 3D_G[#]_steady.plt are 3D Hall MHD outputs for quasi-steady states in Tecplot format. 6. For larger MHD-EPIC simulation outputs, please contact the author: Hongyang Zhou, hyzhou@umich.edu.