BigAnt processing code and fully processed data Copyright (c) Dan Zhao 2018-2021 & Shai Revzen 2008-2021 The code in this folder uses the BigAnt RAW dataset found at to re-create BigAnt_data_processed.csv.gz The raw dataset also contain photos showing the locations of the motion tracking markers. However, for most applications there is no need to re-create the data file. You can use the .csv.gz file as is. The file has 66 columns, and only the first 2 contain strings. There is one header row. To read all the data, use from numpy import loadtxt dat = loadtxt('BigAnt-data-processed.csv.gz', delimiter=',', skiprows=1, usecols=range(2,66)) This can take a hot minute to load; at the end dat.shape == (416256,64) If you want the column headings, you can use: import gzip with"BigAnt-data-processed.csv.gz","rb") as f: hdr = f.readline().strip().split(b",") The processing code and the associated libraries are provided subject to the GPL 3.0 license. This is the "greater" GPL, and it requires (among other things) that any code using our code be itself free and open-source. To run the processing code, first download the BigAnt-data-raw.tar file using the DOI and put in the current folder. Then give the command: python3 Thats it! To Cite this Work: BIRDS Lab, U. BigAnt v6 robot motion tracking data - processed dataset [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.