List of files: There are 10 NetCDF files and 10 text files, two for each simulation. The two files for each simulation, depicted by a *p* or an *s*, represents different sets of variables. Files with *p* are the primary variables and files with *s* are secondary variables. Furthermore, the variables are provided as .nc files and .txt files, where the .txt files are exports of the .nc files to provide another option. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simulation description and associated files: ------------------------------------------- 1. Simulation #1: Lower boundary = uniform, Wave = Rossby, Wave Geopotential Height = 10 m a. b. c. Simulation1p.txt d. Simulation1s.txt 2. Simulation #2: Lower boundary = uniform, Wave = Kelvin, Wave Geopotential Height = 110 m a. b. c. Simulation2p.txt d. Simulation2s.txt 3. Simulation #3: Lower boundary = OXLB, Wave = Rossby, Wave Geopotential Height = 10 m a. b. c. Simulation3p.txt d. Simulation3s.txt 4. Simulation #4: Lower boundary = OXLB, Wave = Kelvin, Wave Geopotential Height = 50 m a. b. c. Simulation4p.txt d. Simulation4s.txt 5. Simulation #5: Lower boundary = OXLB, Wave = Rossby + Kelvin, Wave Geopotential Height = 10/50 m a. b. c. Simulation5p.txt d. Simulation5s.txt File Domain and Structure: -------------------------- * Pressure (Zp) [38] = -16 - +3 by 0.5 interval Zp = ln(Po/P); Po = 5e-6 millibar * Altitude [38] = ~70 km to ~135 km by ~2 km interval * Longitude [72] = -180 to 0 to +175 by 5 degree interval * Latitude [36] = -87.5 to +87.5 by 5 degree interval * Local Time (not provided) = 12 to 24 to 12 (corresponds with Longitude) No seasons or axial tilt MSO (Y=Z=0 at LON = -180 and LAT = 0) * Model Time [304] (Simulation #1, 3, 5) = 76 Earth days at 6 hour intervals ([181,0,0] to [256, 18, 0]) * Model Time [256] (Simulation #2, 4) = 64 Earth days at 6 hour intervals ([181,0,0] to [244,18,0]) * Variables Dependent on Time: TN, UN, VN, Z, O1, O2, CO, N2, O2 IR volume emission rate, O2 IR integrated intensity File Contents and Units: ------------------------ * vtgcm_PW_simulation* - Variables: Log pressure [lev], interface log pressure [ilev], latitude [lat], longitude [lon], model time [mtime], neutral temperature [TN], zonal wind [UN], meridional wind [VN], geopotential height [Z], atomic oxygen [O1], dioxygen [O2], carbon monoxide [CO], dinitrogen [N2] - Units: zp, zp, degree, degree, [day, hour, minute], kelvin, cm s-1, cm s-1, cm, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio * vtgcm_PW_simulation* - Variables: Log pressure [lev], interface log pressure [ilev], latitude [lat], longitude [lon], model time [mtime], O2 IR integrated intensity [O2IRINT], O2 IR Volume Emission Rate [O2IRVEM] - Units: zp, zp, degree, degree, [day, hour, minute], Kilo-Rayleigh = 1.0e+9*photons*cm-2*sec-1, Log10(photons*cm-3*sec-1) * Simulation*p.txt - Variables: Time, log pressure, latitude, longitude, TN, UN, VN, Z, O1, O2, CO, N2 - Units: day, zp, degree, degree, K, cm s-1, cm s-1, cm, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio - Format: header (time) , data (time), header (log pressure), data (log pressure), header (lat), data (lat), header (lon), data (lon), header (TN), header (UN), header (VN), header (Z), header (O1), header (O2), header (CO), header (N2), data (TN), data (UN), data (VN), data (Z), data (O1), data (O2), data (CO), data(N2) - Dimensions: [1,256] or [1,304], [1,38], [1,36], [1,72], [256, 98496], [256, 98496], [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] - Order: Fortran-like index order, first index changing fastest and the last index changing the slowest. Example: ?(time,lev*lat*lon) [256,98496] to (time,lev,lat,lon) [256,38,36,72] * Simulation*s.txt - Variables: Time, log pressure, latitude, longitude, O2 IR volume emission Rate, O2 IR integrated intensity, - Units: day, zp, degree, degree, Kilo-Rayleigh = 1.0e+9*photons*cm-2*sec-1, Log10(photons*cm-3*sec-1) - Format: header (time) , data (time), header (log pressure), data (log pressure), header (lat), data (lat), header (lon), data (lon), header (O2VEM), header (O2INT), data (O2VEM), data (O2INT), - Dimensions: [1,256] or [1,304], [1,38], [1,36], [1,72], [256, 98496], [256, 98496] - Order: Fortran-like index order, first index changing fastest and the last index changing the slowest. Example: ?(time,lev*lat*lon) [256,98496] to (time,lev,lat,lon) [256,38,36,72]