Note: Each database has two searches. These are denoted by the labels Topic 1 and Topic 2. ============================== Database: Ovid MEDLINE; Epub Ahead of Print; In-process & Other Non-Indexed Citations; Daily & Versions Topic 1. Thrombocytopenia & epidural/neuraxial/punctures Result numbers and search dates: 795 results on May 4, 2018; 842 results on November 13, 2019 Search: (exp thrombocytopenia/ or platelet count/ or (macrothrombocytop* or platelet count* or thrombocytop* or thrombopaeni* or thrombopeni*).tw. or ((decrease* or deficien* or immature or increase* or low or lower or reduce* or reduction*) adj5 (platelet* or thrombocyte*)).tw.) and (exp anesthesia/ or exp injections, spinal/ or spinal puncture/ or (cse or csea or epidural* or neuraxial* or ((spinal or spine*) adj3 (tap or taps)) or ((dural* or extradural* or intradural* or intrathecal* or lumbar or nerve* or peridural* or spinal or spine* or subarachnoid*) and (anesthe* or anaesthe* or block* or punct*))).tw.) Topic 2. Hematoma & spinal/epidural Result numbers and search dates: 779 results on May 4, 2018; 832 results on November 13, 2019 Search: ((exp hematoma/ and (injections, spinal/ or spinal puncture/ or spinal.ti. or spine.ti.)) or exp hematoma, epidural, spinal/ or exp hematoma, subdural, spinal/ or ((epidural or spinal or spine) adj3 (haematoma* or hematoma*)).tw.) and (exp anesthesia/ or (anesthe* or anaesthe*).tw.) ============================== Database: Elsevier Embase Topic 1. Thrombocytopenia & epidural/neuraxial/punctures Result numbers and search dates: 1483 results on May 4, 2018; 1708 results on November 13, 2019 Search: ('thrombocytopenia'/exp OR macrothrombocytop*:ti,ab OR Ôplatelet countÕ:ti,ab OR Ôplatelet countsÕ:ti,ab OR thrombocytop*:ti,ab OR thrombopaeni*:ti,ab OR thrombopeni*:ti,ab OR (((decrease* OR deficien* OR immature OR increase* OR low OR lower OR reduce* OR reduction*) NEAR/5 (platelet* OR thrombocyte*)):ti,ab)) AND ('epidural anesthesia'/exp OR 'regional anesthesia'/exp OR 'spinal anesthesia'/de OR 'lumbar puncture'/exp OR cse:ti,ab OR csea:ti,ab OR epidural*:ti,ab OR neuraxial*:ti,ab OR (((spinal OR spine*) NEAR/3 (tap OR taps)):ti,ab) OR (((dural* OR extradural* OR intradural* OR intrathecal* OR lumbar OR nerve* OR peridural* OR spinal OR spine* OR subarachnoid*) NEAR/5 (anesthe* OR anaesthe* OR block* OR punct*)):ti,ab)) Topic 2. Hematoma & spinal/epidural Result numbers and search dates: 1602 results on May 4, 2018; 1749 results on November 13, 2019 Search: ('epidural hematoma'/de OR 'spinal hematoma'/de OR (((epidural OR spinal OR spine) NEAR/3 (haematoma* OR hematoma*)):ti,ab)) AND ('epidural anesthesia'/exp OR 'regional anesthesia'/exp OR 'spinal anesthesia'/exp OR anesthe*:ti,ab OR anaesthe*:ti,ab) ============================== Database: Wiley Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials Topic 1. Thrombocytopenia & epidural/meuraxial/punctures Result numbers and search dates: 91 results on May 4, 2018; 139 results on November 13, 2019 Search: ([mh thrombocytopenia] or [mh "platelet count"] or (macrothrombocytop* or "platelet count" or "platelet counts" or thrombocytop* or thrombopaeni* or thrombopeni* or ((decrease* or deficien* or immature or increase* or low* or reduc*) near/5 (platelet* or thrombocyte*))):ab,ti) and ([mh anesthesia] or [mh "injections, spinal"] or [mh "spinal puncture"] or (cse or csea or epidural* or neuraxial* or ((spinal or spine*) near/3 (tap or taps)) or ((dural* or extradural* or intradural* or intrathecal* or lumbar or nerve* or peridural* or spinal or spine* or subarachnoid*) and (anesthe* or anaesthe* or block* or punct*))):ab,ti) Topic 2. Hematoma & spinal/epidural Result numbers and search dates: 27 results on May 4, 2018; 7 results on November 13, 2019) Search: (([mh hematoma] and ([mh "injections, spinal"] or [mh "spinal puncture"] or spinal:ti or spine:ti)) or [mh "hematoma, epidural, spinal"] or [mh "hematoma, subdural, spinal"] or ((epidural or spinal or spine) near/3 (haematoma* or hematoma*)):ti,ab) and ([mh anesthesia] or (anesthe* or anaesthe*):ti,ab) ============================== Database: EBSCOhost CINAHL Topic 1: Thrombocytopenia & epidural/neuraxial/punctures Result numbers and search dates: 132 results on May 5, 2018; 160 results on November 13, 2019) Search: S1 (MH "Thrombocytopenia+") OR (MH "Platelet Count") S2 TI (macrothrombocytop* OR platelet count* OR thrombocytop* OR thrombopaeni* OR thrombopeni*) OR AB (macrothrombocytop* OR platelet count* OR thrombocytop* OR thrombopaeni* OR thrombopeni*) S3 TI ((decrease* OR deficien* OR immature OR increase* OR low OR lower OR reduce* OR reduction*) AND (platelet* OR thrombocyte*)) OR AB ((decrease* OR deficien* OR immature OR increase* OR low OR lower OR reduce* OR reduction*) N5 (platelet* OR thrombocyte*)) S4 S1 OR S2 OR S3 S5 (MH "Anesthesia+") S6 TI (cse OR csea OR epidural* OR neuraxial*) OR TI ((spinal OR spine*) N3 (tap or taps)) OR AB (cse OR csea OR epidural* OR neuraxial*) OR AB ((spinal OR spine*) N3 (tap or taps)) S7 TI ((dural* OR extradural* OR intradural* OR intrathecal* OR lumbar OR nerve* OR peridural* OR spinal OR spine* OR subarachnoid*) AND (anesthe* OR anaesthe* OR block* OR punct*)) OR AB ((dural* OR extradural* OR intradural* OR intrathecal* OR lumbar OR nerve* OR peridural* OR spinal OR spine* OR subarachnoid*) AND (anesthe* OR anaesthe* OR block* OR punct*)) S8 S5 OR S6 OR S7 S9 S4 AND S8 Topic 2: Hematoma & spinal/epidural Result numbers and search dates: 928 results on May 5, 2018; 1061 results on November 13, 2019 Search: (MH "Hematoma, Epidural") OR ( ( TI ((epidural or spinal or spine) N3 (haematoma* or hematoma*)) ) OR ( AB ((epidural or spinal or spine) N3 (haematoma* or hematoma*)) ) )