Date: 03 April, 2024 Dataset Title: Use of steric blocking antisense oligonucleotides for the targeted inhibition of junction containing precursor microRNAs Dataset Creators: Sicong Ma, Sarah Keane Dataset Contact: Sarah Keane Funding: National Institutes of Health [R35 GM138279 to S.C.K] Key Points: These files are the original data file for the publication ‘Use of steric blocking antisense oligonucleotides for the targeted inhibition of junction containing precursor microRNAs’. Research Overview: These files are the original data for the publication of 'Use of steric blocking antisense oligonucleotides for the targeted inhibition of junction containing precursor microRNAs': This dataset contains the original gel image files for the processing assay results, luciferase data readout, and the original data file for qPCR results reported in the publication. Methodology: These original data files are processed and analyzed as described in the Method section of the manuscript. Files contained here: The folders show divisions based on each data set presents inside the manuscript. The folders are described below: -gel image for pre-miR-31 folder: 1. -ASO screening folder contains the original gel image for pre-miR-31 generated from Dicer/TRBP antisense oligo cleavage assays 2. -competition assay folder contains the original gel image for pre-miR-31 generated from Dicer/TRBP pre-miRNA competition assays 3. -nonspecificity folder contains the original gel image for pre-miR-21 and pre-let-7c generated from Dicer/TRBP antisense oligo cleavage assays in the pre-miR-31 manuscript section -gel image for pre-miR-144 folder: 1. -ASO screening folder contains the original gel image for pre-miR-144 generated from Dicer/TRBP antisense oligo cleavage assays 2. -competition assay folder contains the original gel image for pre-miR-144 generated from Dicer/TRBP pre-miRNA competition assays 3. -nonspecificity folder contains the original gel image for pre-miR-31 and pre-let-7c generated from Dicer/TRBP antisense oligo cleavage assays in the pre-miR-144 manuscript section -sybr gold gel image folder: This folder contains all the original gel file for pre-miR-144, pre-miR-143 and GG-pre-miR-19a generated from Dicer/TRBP pre-miRNA SYBR Gold cleavage assays. -luciferase data folder: 1. 20240201 luciferase luc2 for miR-144: Luc2 luciferase readout for pre-miR-144 luciferase assay 2. 20240201 luciferase Ren for miR144: Renilla luciferase readout for pre-miR-144 luciferase assay 3. 20240201 luciferase result for miR-144: compiled and analyzed readout for pre-miR-144 luciferase assay 4. mir31 luc2 02282024: Luc2 luciferase readout for pre-miR-31 luciferase assay 5. mir31 ren 02282024: Renilla luciferase readout for pre-miR-31 luciferase assay 6. mir31 luciferase 02282024: compiled and analyzed readout for pre-miR-31 luciferase assay -qPCR data folder: 1. pcmv31 HEK293 U6 20240222: U6 internal control original cq data file for pre-miR-31 in cell experiments Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis. 2. pcmv31 HEK293 miR31 and mir21 advanced kit 20240305: miR-31 and miR-21 original cq data file for pre-miR-31 in cell experiments Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis. 3. pcmv144 HEK293 miR21 20240305: miR-21 original cq data file for pre-miR-144 in cell experiments Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis. 4. pcmv144 HEK293 miR144 20240222: miR-144 original cq data file for pre-miR-144 in cell experiments Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis 5. pcmv144 HEK293 U6 20240222: U6 internal control original cq data file for pre-miR-144 in cell experiments Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis Related publication(s): Required softwares: The radioactive gel image analysis is based on the .TIF images using ImgeJ software, other formats are as supported original documents for data integrity. The .SCN file in '-sybr gold gel image' folder can be opened by Image Lab 6.0.1 software (windows). The .pcrd file in the '-qPCR data' folder requires Bio-Rad CFX Maestro 2.3 software (windows). Use and Access: This data set is made available under a Creative Commons Public Domain license (CC0 4.0).