Date: 10 Sep 2018 Dataset Title: PedX Dataset Dataset Creators: Ram Vasudevan, Wonhui Kim, Manikandasriram Srinivasan Ramanagopal, Charles Barto, Ming-Yuan Yu, Karl Rosaen, Nick Goumas and Matthew Johnson-Roberson Dataset Contact: Ram Vasudevan, Key Points: Dataset collected to analyze pedestrian behavior in complex urban environments. Multiple sensors, including LiDAR scanners and cameras, used to capture data from 4-way stop intersections. Scenes were selected to maximize traffic, complexity, and lighting and weather variation. The PedX dataset includes data on both pedestrians and vehicles at intersections, and can be used for various research purposes related to transportation, computer vision, and machine learning. The dataset was collected in a controlled environment to ensure the safety of all participants and to control for external variables that could affect the results. The dataset includes a variety of data types, such as 2D and 3D image data, LiDAR data, and corresponding labels for each data point. The dataset is publicly available for researchers to download and use for their own research purposes. The research team conducted several experiments and analyses using the PedX dataset, including studies on pedestrian-vehicle interaction and studies on the accuracy of pedestrian detection algorithms. The results of the research using the PedX dataset can inform the development of autonomous vehicles and pedestrian safety measures in urban environments. Research Overview: PedX is a large-scale multi-modal collection of pedestrians at complex urban intersections. The dataset provides high-resolution stereo images and LiDAR data with manual 2D and automatic 3D annotations. The data was captured using two pairs of stereo cameras and four Velodyne LiDAR sensors. The data was captured at three 4-way stop intersections in a downtown area. The selected intersections provided opprtunity to study complex interactions between pedestrians and vehicles with varying lighting and weather conditions. Methodology: PedX is a large-scale multi-modal collection of pedestrians at complex urban intersections. The dataset provides high-resolution stereo images and LiDAR data with manual 2D and automatic 3D annotations. The data was captured using two pairs of stereo cameras and four Velodyne LiDAR sensors. Data Acquisition: The PedX dataset contains more than 5,000 pairs of high-resolution stereo images with 2, 500 frames of 3D LiDAR pointclouds. The cameras and LiDAR sensors are calibrated and time synchronized. Three four-way stop intersections with heavy pedestrian-vehicle interaction were selected for data collection. Cameras were installed on the roof of the car to obtain driver-perspective images. To cover all four crosswalks at an intersection, the images were captured by two pairs of stereo cameras – one pair facing forward and another facing the incoming road from the left. The dataset includes more than 14,000 pedestrian models with a distance of 5-45m from the cameras and reliable 2D and 3D labels are provided for each instance. Sensor Setup: 4 Laserscanners: Velodyne HDL-32E 4 Color cameras, 12 Megapixels: Allied Vision Manta G-1236C 4 Lenses, 12mm: V1228-MPY Calibration: Camera-to-camera calibration for stereo camera pairs using MATLAB Camera Calibration Toolbox. Camera-to-LiDAR calibration using 50 manually selected constraints between 3D LiDAR points and 2D pixel locations. Scene Selection: Capture sites and times chosen for maximum traffic, complexity, and lighting and weather variation. Focus on 4-way stop intersections without traffic signals. Data Formatting: Image Compression: Raw Bayer 12-bit images converted into compressed PNG/JPEG image formats. Rectified images provided. Distance: Histograms show distributions of pedestrian distances. Orientation: Polar histograms display distributions of pedestrian body orientations relative to the world reference frame. Links to Relevant Sources: University of Michigan - Deep Blue dataset The Pedx Website, The PedX paper: Benchmark Dataset for Metric 3D Pose Estimation of Pedestrians in Complex Urban Intersections The PedX dataset scripts and loaders. Utilizing the data: We provide a demo script to assist in visualizing the data. Follow the steps below to visualize the data once you have downloaded it from the Deep Blue Repository. 1. Obtain the demo scripts from our repository 2. Ensure the python requirements are met from the requirements.txt file ( pip install -r requirements.txt ) 3. Edit the file and modify the capture_date variable to specify the date. 4. If the data is not in the ./data folder, modify the basedir variable to point to the folders location. 5. Modify the frame_id if desired to the stating frame. 6. Modify the savedir variable if the data saving location will be different then the default location. 7. Execute the script to load and visualize the data from the datasets. Files contained here: The dataset includes raw and rectified images and point cloud data captured from the selected intersections. The data is organized in folders based on the location and date of capture. Each folder contains a series of image and point cloud files, along with metadata describing the sensor setup and calibration. The folders show divisions based on each each sequence. The PedX dataset contains more than 5,000 pairs of high-resolution stereo images with 2,500 frames of 3D LiDAR pointclouds. 1. Data contains the rectified images, point clouds, calibrated parameters and frame metadata. 2. All the manual/automatic annotations are in data/labels. 2D/3D annotations are provided in an instance-level. 3. We provide 3 video sequences captured at different 4-way stop intersections on different dates. 4. Capture dates: 20171130T2000, 20171207T2024, 20171212T2030 a. The cameras are color-coded for convenience. b. Cameras: ylw79D0, red707B, blu79CF, grn43E3 5. Stereo pairs: ylw79D0-red707B, blu79CF-grn43E3 (left-right camera) 6. We provide a simple Python demo script: pedx provides Python helper functions to load and visualize the data. We have tested the script with the Python packages listed in requirements.txt The data tree for this dataset should look like this when fully extracted onto your system. pedx/ ├── pedx/ ├── data/ ├── images/ │ ├── 20171130T2000/ │ ├── 20171207T2024/ │ └── 20171212T2030/ │ ├── ylw79D0/ │ ├── red707B/ │ ├── blu79CF/ │ └── grn43E3/ │ └── 20171212T2030_grn43E3_0001234.jpg ├── pointclouds/ │ ├── 20171130T2000/ │ ├── 20171207T2024/ │ └── 20171212T2030/ │ └── 20171212T2030_0001234.ply ├── labels/│ | ├── 2d/ | │ ├── 20171130T2000/ | │ ├── 20171207T2024/ | │ └── 20171212T2030/ | └── 3d/ | ├── smpl/ | │ ├── 20171130T2000/ | │ ├── 20171207T2024/ | | └── 20171212T2030/ | └── segment/ | ├── 20171130T2000/ | ├── 20171207T2024/ | └── 20171212T2030/ ├── calib/ │ ├── calib_cam_to_cam_blu79CF-grn43E3.txt │ ├── calib_cam_to_cam_blu79CF-red707B.txt │ ├── calib_cam_to_range_blu79CF.txt │ └── calib_cam_to_range_ylw79D0.txt └── timestamps/ ├── timestamps-images-20171130T2000.txt ├── timestamps-images-20171207T2024.txt ├── timestamps-images-20171212T2030.txt ├── timestamps-pointclouds-20171130T2000.txt ├── timestamps-pointclouds-20171207T2024.txt └── timestamps-pointclouds-20171212T2030.txt Related publication(s): [1] Z. 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Pedestrian Behavior Dataset from Complex Urban Scenes University of Michigan - Deep Blue.