Dataset title: Physical properties and magnetic susceptibility for SPR0901-unnamed Dataset contact: Ingrid L. Hendy Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Physical properties and magnetic susceptibility for SPR0901-unnamed [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository. Latitude: 34.2816°N Longitude: 120.0415°W Water depth: 588 m Core retrieval Date:2009.1 Core type: Box core Research Vessel: R/V Sproul Sections: 1 Overview: This dataset includes core physical properties (e.g., bulk density, porosity, P-wave velocity) and magnetic susceptibility data for the box core SPR0901-unnamed measured on the multisensor track (MST). Methods: SPR0901-unnamed only has one section. MST and magnetic susceptibility measurements were made every 0.5 cm on the Geotek MSCL (multisensor core logger) at the LacCore Facility, University of Minnesota in 2010. Files contained: This folder contains two spreadsheets: ’SPR0901-unnamed magsus.csv': magnetic susceptibility data; 'SPR0901-unnamed MST.csv': MST data. Variables: For MST data: SB DEPTH (m): Total logging depth; SECT NUM: Core name; SECT DEPTH (cm): Sample depth in the section; Den1 (gm/cc): Gamma density; FP: Fractional porosity; RES (Ohm m): Electrical resistivity; Temp (°C): Logging temperature; LacCore ID: Core ID in the LacCore Repository; For magnetic susceptibility data: Core depth (m): Total logging depth; Section: Core name; Section Depth (cm): Sample depth in the section; Laser Profiler (mm): Laser profiler signal to verify core dimensions; Magnetic susceptibility (SI*10^-6): Volume specific magnetic susceptibility; LacCore ID: Core ID in the LacCore Repository;