Date: April 29, 2023 Dataset Title: Data Management Plans from Awards made to the University of Michigan from March 2020 to February 2021. Dataset Creator: Jake Carlson ORCID: Dataset Contact: Description: This data set is my analysis of data management plans (DMPs) that were written by researchers at the University of Michigan for awards made between March 2020 and February 2021. I conducted this analysis to explore the potential utility of DMPs as a tool to aid data curators in understanding and working with the associated data set. Variables collected include: the types and formats of the expected data sets, information about the metadata and documentation to be generated, the anticipated methods for making the data set publicly available, references to Intellectual Property allowances or concerns, and the stated duration for preserving the data sets. Methodology: I reviewed the DMPs from proposals to federal agencies that were awarded to the University of Michigan as the lead institution for a period of twelve months, from March 2020 to February 2021. I located DMPs by opening the narrative description of the grant proposal and using the find command available in the Google Chrome browser to search for the terms "data management, 'data sharing", or "resource sharing". If unsuccessful, I scrolled to the bottom of the proposal narrative and then slowly scrolled up the document looking for a DMP. If I was still unsuccessful, I looked at other files attached to the record of the grant to see if the DMP is included as a separate document. If none of these approaches led to the discovery of a DMP, I listed the award as not having DMP available. Although descriptions of data, as well as data management and sharing activities, are included sometimes in the body of the narrative or in other documents outside of a DMP, I did not review or capture this information in this data set. Variables: Note: "NA" in any cell denotes that the variable is not applicable to the DMP. This could be for a variety of reasons, but it's often due to the extreme brevity of the DMP to the point that it provided no real information or that the principal investigator is not intending to release the data. Award School The school or college at the University of Michigan associated with the Principal Investigator of the award. Month Year The month and the year when the award was made to the University of Michigan. (last two digits of the year – abbreviation of the month) Direct Sponsor The name of the awarding agency. Located DMP Was a data management plan identified for the award, Yes (“Y”) or No (“N”)? If no DMP was found, no additional information about the entry was added and the remaining cells in the row were left blank. Variables on Data: Data Category Using a DMP to identify the types of data that will be generated in the research was a challenging task for two reasons. First, the University of Michigan is a research-intensive institution that hosts researchers from a vast array of disciplines and fields of study. The awards to U-M covered a wide variety of research which in turn described a wide variety of data to be generated. In addition to collecting information about specific data types from the award's DMP, I developed a broad categorization scheme based on the themes that emerged in analyzing this information to help identify commonalities and patterns. The data categories and definitions I developed are as follows: * Administrative: Data that pertain to administering or evaluating research or teaching programs * Clinical – Data that pertains to the direct observation and treatment of patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies. * Code – Data where the inputs and outputs are primarily or entirely comprised of instructions for computers to follow. * Experimental – Data that results from experiments conducted in labs or other controlled environments. * Genomic – Data derived from or that pertain to the DNA, RNA, proteins or other genetic elements of humans, animals or other organisms. * Observational – Data developed through observing people or phenomena. This would include data gathered through surveys, interviews, and other interactions with people as well as data gathered using sensors and other instruments. * Physical Specimens – Data comprised of physical objects such as human or animal tissues, rocks, plants, etc. * Secondary – Data that was originally developed through prior research or for a different purpose than the project described in the DMP. * Simulation / Model – Data that was created for, or resulted from, a computer simulation or to model a particular phenomenon. The second challenge in this task was the uneven level of detail about the expected data in the DMP. Despite “data” ostensibly being the primary focus of a data management plan, many DMPs provided only a limited amount of information about the data or no information at all. In situations where the data were not fully described a data category was assigned based on what information was available. Therefore, the categorization of data is incomplete and should not be considered to be more than an approximation of the actual nature and type of data that will be generated in these research projects. Occasionally the data described in the DMP fit into more than one of the defined data categories. When this happened, multiple categories were assigned. Data Types A free text field to capture any additional information about the type of data being generated as described by the DMP. Data Formats Information about the format(s) for the data as listed in the DMP. Descriptions of data formats were listed in different ways (the name of the software, the file extension, etc.) and at differing levels of specificity making it difficult to account for or compare. "Not Listed" denotes that no information about the format was provided. No attempt was made to infer formats based on information provided about the data type. Sensitive Data IRB Was the data to be generated identified as being sensitive in nature or otherwise requiring a review from an IRB or an IACUC? Possible responses: * "Yes" The DMP states directly that the data are sensitive in nature in some way or the research to be done requires a review from the IRB. * "Maybe or Not Mentioned" Text in the DMP did not explicitly state that the data were sensitive in nature or required review by an IRB. However, other information in the DMP implies that the data may potentially be sensitive in nature. As a result, no conclusions can be made about the sensitivity of the data. * "Not Mentioned" No mention about the sensitivity of the data was made in the DMP. * "No" The DMP included a written statement that the data were not sensitive in nature, or that the data did not require an IRB review. Variables on Metadata and Documentation: Metadata / documentation Was metadata or documentation mentioned at all in the DMP? Possible responses were "Yes", "No" or Not Applicable due to the nature of the data. If the response was "Yes", some additional details or explanatory information from the DMP may be included. Metadata Mentioned Detailed This column was only used if there was a “Yes” response in the “Metadata / documentation mentioned?” column. * “No” - indicates that metadata was not mentioned in this DMP. In other words, documentation was mentioned in the DMP and metadata was not. * “Yes - Mentioned” indicates that metadata was mentioned in the DMP, but no additional information or context about the metadata or how it was to be developed was included. * “Yes - Detailed” indicates that metadata was mentioned in the DMP and some details or context about the metadata or how it is to be developed were also provided. Metadata Type Information provided in the DMP about the type or nature of the metadata to be provided. “Not Listed” indicates that no information about the metadata to be developed is mentioned in the DMP. Standards Mentioned If the DMP mentioned a specific metadata standard, the name of the standard is noted here. “Not Listed” indicates that no standard is mentioned in the DMP. Documentation Mentioned Detailed This column was only used if there was a “Yes” response in the “Metadata / documentation mentioned?” column. * “No” indicates that documentation was not mentioned in this DMP. In other words, metadata was mentioned in the DMP and documentation was not. * “Yes - Mentioned” indicates that documentation was mentioned in the DMP, but no additional information or context about the documentation or how it was to be developed was included. * “Yes - Detailed” indicates that documentation was mentioned in the DMP and some details or context about the documentation or how it is to be developed was also provided. Documentation Type Free text entry that lists or summarizes the information provided in the DMP about the type or nature of the documentation to be provided. “Not Listed” indicates that no information about the documentation to be developed is mentioned in the DMP. Variables on Data Sharing: Data Sharing Method A free text summary of where the principal investigator intends to make the data available according to statements in the DMP. Not Sharing Data Does the DMP indicate that all or some portion of the data will not be shared outside of the research team. Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". If the response is "Yes", additional information may be included as to the reason given in the DMP for not sharing the data. Domain Repository Was a Domain repository, one that focused on a specific field or discipline, mentioned in the DMP as a means for sharing the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Repository Not Specified Used when a repository was listed as the means of sharing the data in the DMP, but no other information, such as the name or type of repository was specified. Responses are "Yes" (No additional information about the repository was provided), or "No" (Additional information about the type of repository was provided). General Repository Was a Generalist repository, one that accepts a variety of different kinds of data from any institution, mentioned in the DMP as a means for sharing the data? Generalist repositories include: Figshare, Dryad, the Open Science Framework, etc. Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Institutional Data Repository Was an Institutional Data Repository, one that accepts a variety of different kinds of data from a specific institution, mentioned in the DMP as a means for sharing the data? Institutional repositories include Deep Blue Data, a data repository for researchers at the University of Michigan. Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Researcher Hosted Website GitHub Was a research hosted website or the researcher's instance of GitHub mentioned in the DMP as a means for sharing the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Presentations Publications Were presentations or publications mentioned in the DMP as a means for sharing the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". On Request Did the DMP include a statement that the data would be shared upon request or through contacting the principal investigator? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Sharing Timing Indicated Did the DMP include a statement as to when the data would be shared? Possible responses are "Yes" or “Not Listed”. Sharing Timing Text A summary of the statement(s) made in the DMP regarding when the data would be shared. Before Publication Did the DMP include a statement that the data would be shared prior to an article or other research product being published? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". On Acceptance Did the DMP include a statement that the data would be shared on acceptance of publication or upon publication of an article or other research product? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". After Publication Did the DMP include a statement that the data would be shared after publication of an article or other research product? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Before At Project End Did the DMP include a statement that the data would be shared before the end of the funded research project? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". After Project Ends Did the DMP include a statement that the data would be shared after the end of the funded research project? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Sharing Timing Other Did the DMP include a statement as to when the data would be shared that did not connect to publication of an article or other research product, or that was related to the timing of the project? If so, a summary statement reflecting what was written in the DMP is listed. Variables on Intellectual Property, Licensing or Policy: IP Did the DMP include any statements relating to Intellectual Property, Licensing or Policy? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". A "Yes" response may include a summary statements about what was written in the DMP. UM Policies Did the DMP make any reference to the research policies of the University of Michigan Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Other Policies Standards Did the DMP make any reference to the research policies of any University other than the University of Michigan? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". UBMTA Simple Letter Did the DMP make any reference to a Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement (UBMTA) or Simple Letter? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Patents Tech Transfer Did the DMP make any reference to a Patent, Tech Transfer Agreement or Commercialization of the research or data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Approval Required Did the DMP make any reference to developing a Data Use / Sharing Agreement Required or getting the approval of PI as a requirement to get access to the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Retain Rights Did the DMP make any reference to the PIs or 3rd parties retaining ownership or any rights over the data (including statements that part or all of data will not be shared)? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Participant Rights Did the DMP make any reference to the rights of their research participants? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Commercial Limits Did the DMP include any limitations or prohibitions on the commercial use of the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Redistribution Prohibit Did the DMP include any prohibitions on the redistribution of the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Derivatives Prohibit Did the DMP include any prohibitions on the redistribution of the data? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Attribution Required Did the DMP include any requirement for anyone using the data to provide attribution to the principal investigator or the funding agency supporting the research? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Copyright Publisher Policies Did the DMP include a statement that the data could not be shared in part or in full due to copyright issues or the policies of the publisher of the resulting journal article(s)? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". License Use Did the DMP include a statement that a license of any kind would be applied to the data? Possible responses are ""Yes" or "No". No Restrictions Did the DMP include a statement that explicitly placed no restrictions on the use of the data by others? Variables on Preservation: Preservation Duration Did the DMP include a statement as to how long the data should be preserved? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". A “Yes” response may include a summary statement about what was written in the DMP. 3 Years or Less If a statement on preservation was included in the DMP, was the duration for preserving the data listed as being 3 years or less? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". 4 to 9 Years If a statement on preservation was included in the DMP, was the duration for preserving the data listed as being between 4 to 9 years? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". 10 Years If a statement on preservation was included in the DMP, was the duration for preserving the data listed as being 10 years exactly? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". More Than 10 Years Defined If a statement on preservation was included in the DMP, was the duration for preserving the data listed as being more than 10 years? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Indefinitely Undefined If a statement on preservation was included in the DMP, was the duration for preserving the data listed as being “indefinitely” or was the preservation period undefined? Possible responses are "Yes" or "No". Related Publications: Carlson, J. (2023) Untapped Potential: A Critical Analysis of the Utility of Data Management Plans in Facilitating Data Sharing. Journal of Research Administration. Fall 2023. Forthcoming. Use and Access: This data set is made available under a Creative Commons Public Domain license (CC0 1.0). Although I am placing this data set in the public domain, I do ask that any use of the data set include proper attribution through citation. To Cite this Data Set: Carlson, J. (2023). Data Management Plans from Awards made to the University of Michigan from March 2020 to February 2021. University of Michigan – Deep Blue Data. [DOI insert]