GUIDE TO DIGITAL DATA REPOSITORY DOI:10.7302/Z2765C7M ÒCCL2 ENHANCES MACROPHAGE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSES VIA MIR-9 MEDIATED DOWNREGULATION OF THE ERK 1/2 PHOSPHATASE DUSP6Ó CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY 2017 APR;314:63-72 PMID: 28242024 DIRECTORY STRUCTURE AND FILE CONTENTS Files are organized according to their appearance in the manuscript. File names contain the date of the experimental run: Example: Figure 1/12-14-2016 BMDM CCL2 timecourse iNOS Tnfa Dusp6 Arg1 (Retnla no curves) Files dated Ò11-29-2016Ó: qPCR performed on November 29th, 2016 Files dated Ò12-14-2016Ó: qPCR performed on December 14th, 2016 Any applicable mathematical calculations will be found in Excel files (*.xls) Statistical analysis of final data sets will be found in Prism files (*.pzfx) Manipulation of flow cytometry data sets (i.e. gating protocols) will be found in FlowJo files (*.jo) Raw images of Western Blots (direct from imager) are saved as JPEG files (*.jpg) APPLICATIONS REQUIRED FOR ARCHIVE USE FILE EXTENSION PROGRAM MINIMUM VERSION (MAC OS) *.ai Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0 *.csv Microsoft Excel 14.7.2 *.jo FlowJo 10.1 *.jpg Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0 *.pdf Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.0.20 *.pzfx GraphPad Prism 7.0c *.tiff Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0 *.xls Microsoft Excel 14.7.2