Date: 4 March, 2024 Dataset Title: †Macroprosopon hiltoni (holotype, FSAC CP 330), specimen photographs and interpretative weighted-line drawings Dataset Creators: Carol Abraczinskas (interpretative weighted-line drawings), Alessio Capobianco (photographs) Dataset Contact: Matt Friedman ( Funding: This work was supported by funding from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Michigan (Scott Turner Student Research Grant Award 2017, to A.C.), by the Rackham Graduate School of the University of Michigan (Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship Award 2020-2021, to A.C.), by the Society of Systematic Biologists (2017 SSB Graduate Student Research Award, to A.C.), and by the Palaeontological Association (Palaeontological Association Career Development Grant PA-CD202102, to A.C.), and the National Science Foundation (NSF DEB 2017822 to M.F.). This work was also supported by the European Union (ERC, MacDrive, GA 101043187). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Research Overview: These files (.tiff format) provide high-resolution images of a fossil specimen complementing the formal description of the osteoglossid fish †Macroprosopon hiltoni from the Eocene (Ypresian) of Morocco. Methodology: Specimen Faculty of Sciences Aïn Chock, Casablanca, Morocco (FSAC) CP 330, representing the holotype of the osteoglossid fish †Macroprosopon hiltoni from the Eocene (Ypresian) of Morocco, was photographed in both right and left lateral view using a Nikon D70 digital SLR camera by A. Capobianco. A. Capobianco, in consultation with M. Friedman, developed preliminary interpretative drawings based on these photographs. On the basis of these preliminary drawings, specimen photos, and specimen FSAC CP 330 itself, C. Abraczinskas worked with A. Capobianco and M. Friedman to develop refined sketches. These, in turn, were drafted as weighted-line drawings in Adobe Illustrator. The photographs and drawings included in the formal description of †Macroprosopon hiltoni show only the anterior or posterior half of the skull due to space and format limitations of Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. The images (in .tiff format) provided here combine anterior and posterior portions for each side of the specimen. They are scaled at 8.5 X 14 inches with a resolution of 1000dpi. Files contained here: 1. Macroprosopon hiltoni rt. lateral 1000dpi 8.5 X 14 photo.tif: †Macroprosopon hiltoni (holotype, FSAC CP 330). Photograph in right lateral view. 2. Macroprosopon hiltoni rt. lateral 1000dpi 8.5 X 14 drawing.tif: †Macroprosopon hiltoni (holotype, FSAC CP 330). Interpretative weighted-line drawing in right lateral view. Parallel lines indicate broken bone surface; plus-sign pattern indicates scales; double-line pattern indicates matrix. Dashed lines indicate a missing margin. Drawing created by C. Abraczinskas (University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology). 3. Macroprosopon hiltoni lt. lateral 1000dpi 8.5 X 14 photo.tif: †Macroprosopon hiltoni (holotype, FSAC CP 330). Photograph in left lateral view. 4. Macroprosopon hiltoni lt. lateral 1000dpi 8.5 X 14 drawing.tif: †Macroprosopon hiltoni (holotype, FSAC CP 330). Interpretative weighted-line drawing in left lateral view. Parallel lines indicate broken bone surface; plus-sign pattern indicates scales; double-line pattern indicates matrix. Dashed lines indicate a missing margin. Drawing created by C. Abraczinskas (University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology). Use and Access: This data set is made available under an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0).