Date: 9 May, 2024 Dataset Title: Designing Healthcare Robots at Home for Older Adults: A Kano Model Perspective Dataset Creator: Qiaoning Zhang Dataset Contact: Funding: This work was supported in part by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality under grant no. R18 HS028963-01. Research Overview: Healthcare robots at home are increasingly essential for promoting the independence of older adults, yet their widespread acceptance is hindered by a lack of clarity regarding optimal design features, particularly among users with varying levels of knowledge and attitudes towards this emerging technology. To address this, this study applies the Kano model to systematically identify and prioritize the features of healthcare robots, factoring in older adults diverse robot-related knowledge and attitudes towards robots. Following a thorough literature review that highlighted 27 distinct robot features, we conducted a survey with 253 participants and identified essential features such as `Medication Management' and `Managing Illness and Monitoring Health' as one-dimensional features, whereas `Animal-like Appearance' was negatively received. The analysis also showed that user preferences vary significantly with their knowledge and perception of robots. These insights emphasize the need for a user-centric approach in designing healthcare robots to meet the varied expectations of older adults. Methodology: This dataset originates from a study conducted using the Qualtrics survey platform and involves 253 older adults from the United States. These participants were sourced from CloudResearch's comprehensive participant pool. The survey was designed based on the Kano model and focused on identifying and evaluating 27 features and attributes of healthcare robots. This dataset is intended to help researchers and practitioners understand older adults' preferences and perceptions regarding healthcare robots. Contents: The dataset consists of responses from 253 participants. Each column in the spreadsheet corresponds to a survey question related to healthcare robot features assessed in the survey. Subject #:Subject number mobility1(functional question regarding mobility feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can assist with mobility, including minimizing the need to move and aiding in physical movement, how do you feel?”; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it'. mobility2(dysfunctional question regarding mobility feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot assist with mobility, including minimizing the need to move and aiding in physical movement, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' mobility3(self-stated importance question regarding mobility feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can assist with mobility, including minimizing the need to move and aiding in physical movement?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' bathing1(functional question regarding Bathing feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can assist with bathing, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' bathing2(dysfunctional question regarding Bathing feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot assist with bathing, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' bathing3(self-stated importance question regarding Bathing feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can assist with bathing?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' meal1(functional question regarding Meal Preparation feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can assist with preparing meals, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' meal2(dysfunctional question regarding Meal Preparation feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot assist with preparing meals, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' meal3(self-stated importance question regarding Meal Preparation feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can assist with preparing meals?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' housework1(functional question regarding Housework feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can assist with housekeeping tasks like cleaning, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' housework2(dysfunctional question regarding Housework feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot assist with housekeeping tasks like cleaning, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' housework3(self-stated importance question regarding Housework feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can assist with housekeeping tasks like cleaning?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' frailty and falling1(functional question regarding Frailty and Falling feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can address frailty and falling issues, offering fall prevention, interventions to alleviate fear of falling, and monitoring for falls, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' frailty and falling2(dysfunctional question regarding Frailty and Falling feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot address frailty and falling issues, offering fall prevention, interventions to alleviate fear of falling, and monitoring for falls, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' frailty and falling3(self-stated importance question regarding Frailty and Falling feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can address frailty and falling issues, offering fall prevention, interventions to alleviate fear of falling, and monitoring for falls?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' security1(functional question regarding Security and Safety Monitor feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can oversee home security and ensure safety, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' security2(dysfunctional question regarding Security and Safety Monitor feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot oversee home security and ensure safety, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' security3(self-stated importance question regarding Security and Safety Monitor feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can oversee home security and ensure safety?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' physical1(functional question regarding Physical Decline Prevention and Therapy feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can assist with physical exercise programs and physical therapy, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' physical2(dysfunctional question regarding Physical Decline Prevention and Therapy feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot assist with physical exercise programs and physical therapy, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' physical3(self-stated importance question regarding Physical Decline Prevention and Therapy feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can assist with physical exercise programs and physical therapy?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' cognitive1(functional question regarding Cognitive Decline Prevention and Therapy feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can help with preventing cognitive decline through means such as facilitating group cognitive intervention programs, computer cognitive training, and video conferencing interventions, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' cognitive2(dysfunctional question regarding Cognitive Decline Prevention and Therapy feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot help with preventing cognitive decline through means such as facilitating group cognitive intervention programs, computer cognitive training, and video conferencing interventions, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' cognitive3(self-stated importance question regarding Cognitive Decline Prevention and Therapy feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can help with preventing cognitive decline through means such as facilitating group cognitive intervention programs, computer cognitive training, and video conferencing interventions?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' medication management1(functional question regarding Medication Management feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can assist with medication management, including reminding older adults to take their medication and simplifying dosage regimens, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' medication management2(dysfunctional question regarding Medication Management feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot assist with medication management, including reminding older adults to take their medication and simplifying dosage regimens, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' medication management3(self-stated importance question regarding Medication Management feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can assist with medication management, including reminding older adults to take their medication and simplifying dosage regimens?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' managing illness1(functional question regarding Managing Illness and Monitoring Health feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can help with managing illness and overseeing health, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' managing illness2(dysfunctional question regarding Managing Illness and Monitoring Health feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot help with managing illness and overseeing health, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' managing illness3(self-stated importance question regarding Managing Illness and Monitoring Health feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can help with managing illness and overseeing health?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' companionship1(functional question regarding Companionship feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can offer companionship, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' companionship2(dysfunctional question regarding Companionship feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot offer companionship, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' companionship3(self-stated importance question regarding Companionship feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can offer companionship?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' social communication1(functional question regarding Social Communication/Isolation feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can combat social isolation and enhance social communication, for instance, by organizing social activities, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' social communication2(dysfunctional question regarding Social Communication/Isolation feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that cannot combat social isolation and enhance social communication, for instance, by organizing social activities, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' social communication3(self-stated importance question regarding Social Communication/Isolation feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can combat social isolation and enhance social communication, for instance, by organizing social activities?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' adapt1(functional question regarding Adaptability feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with the ability to adapt its behaviour to match your preferences, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' adapt2(dysfunctional question regarding Adaptability feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that does not have the ability to adapt its behavior to match your preferences, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' adapt3(self-stated importance question regarding Adaptability feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot with the ability to adapt its behaviour to match your preferences?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' facial expressions1(functional question regarding Facial Dimensions and Expressions feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that can display facial expressions (e.g., smile, calm, disgust, or surprise), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' facial expressions2(dysfunctional question regarding Facial Dimensions and Expressions feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that that cannot display facial expressions (e.g., smile, calm, disgust, or surprise), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' facial expressions3(self-stated importance question regarding Facial Dimensions and Expressions feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that can display facial expressions (e.g., smile, calm, disgust, or surprise)?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' human-like appearance1(functional question regarding Appearance - Human-like appearance feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with a human-like appearance, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' human-like appearance2(dysfunctional question regarding Appearance - Human-like appearance feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that does not have a human-like appearance, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' human-like appearance3(self-stated importance question regarding Appearance - Human-like appearance feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot with a human-like appearance?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' machine-like appearance1(functional question regarding Appearance - Machine-like appearance feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with a machine-like appearance, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' machine-like appearance2(dysfunctional question regarding Appearance - Machine-like appearance feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that does not have a machine-like appearance, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' machine-like appearance3(self-stated importance question regarding Appearance - Machine-like appearance feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot with an machine-like appearance?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' animal-like appearance1(functional question regarding Appearance - Animal-like appearance feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with an animal-like appearance, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' animal-like appearance2(dysfunctional question regarding Appearance - Animal-like appearance feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that does not have an animal-like appearance, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' animal-like appearance3(self-stated importance question regarding Appearance - Animal-like appearance feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot with an animal-like appearance?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' female-gendered1(functional question regarding Gender - Female feature): "If you have a female-gendered healthcare robot, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' female-gendered2(dysfunctional question regarding Gender - Female feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that is not female-gendered, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' female-gendered3(self-stated importance question regarding Gender - Female feature): "How important is it for you to have a female-gendered healthcare robot?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' male-gendered1(functional question regarding Gender - Male feature): "If you have a male-gendered healthcare robot, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' male-gendered2(dysfunctional question regarding Gender - Male feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that is not male-gendered, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' male-gendered3(self-stated importance question regarding Gender - Male feature): "How important is it for you to have a male-gendered healthcare robot?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' gender match1(functional question regarding Gender - Gender match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot whose gender matches its role (e.g., care-female; security-male), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' gender match2(dysfunctional question regarding Gender - Gender match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot whose gender does not match its role (e.g., care-female; security-male), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' gender match3(self-stated importance question regarding Gender - Gender match feature): "How important is it for you to have healthcare robot whose gender matches its role (e.g., care-female; security-male)?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' smaller size1(functional question regarding Size - Small feature): "If you have a healthcare robot of a smaller size (shorter and smaller than users), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' smaller size2(dysfunctional question regarding Size - Small feature): "a. If you have a healthcare robot that does not have a smaller size (shorter and smaller than users), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' smaller size3(self-stated importance question regarding Size - Small feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot of a smaller size (shorter and smaller than users)?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' larger size1(functional question regarding Size - Large feature): "If you have a healthcare robot of a larger size (taller and wider than users), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' larger size2(dysfunctional question regarding Size - Large feature): "a. If you have a healthcare robot that does not have a larger size (taller and wider than users), how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' larger size3(self-stated importance question regarding Size - Large feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot of a larger size (taller and wider than users)?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' similar size1(functional question regarding Size - Size match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that is similar in size to you, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' similar size2(dysfunctional question regarding Size - Size match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that is not similar in size to you, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' similar size3(self-stated importance question regarding Size - Size match feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that is similar in size to you?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' personality1(functional question regarding Personality - Human-robot personality match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with a personality that matches your own, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' personality2(dysfunctional question regarding Personality - Human-robot personality match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with a personality that does not match your own, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' personality3(self-stated importance question regarding Personality - Human-robot personality match feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot with a personality that matches your own?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' caring1(functional question regarding Personality - Caring personality feature): "If you have a healthcare robot with a caring and empathic personality, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' caring2(dysfunctional question regarding Personality - Caring personality feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that does not have a caring and empathic personality, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' caring3(self-stated importance question regarding Personality - Caring personality feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot with a caring and empathic personality?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' socially communicative1(functional question regarding Personality - Socially communicative feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that is socially communicative, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' socially communicative2(dysfunctional question regarding Personality - Socially communicative feature): "If you have a healthcare robot that is not socially communicative, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' socially communicative3(self-stated importance question regarding Personality - Socially communicative feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot that is socially communicative?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' personality match1(functional question regarding Personality - Personality role match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot whose personality is tailored to its role, for example, a robot designed to encourage exercise is programmed to be fun, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' personality match2(dysfunctional question regarding Personality - Personality role match feature): "If you have a healthcare robot whose personality is not tailored to its role, for example, an exercise-encouraging robot that is not programmed to be fun, how do you feel?"; 1: `I like it', 2: `I expect it', 3: `I’m neutral', 4: `I can tolerate it', 5: `I dislike it' personality match3(self-stated importance question regarding Personality - Personality role match feature): "How important is it for you to have a healthcare robot whose personality is tailored to its role, for example, a robot designed to encourage exercise is programmed to be fun?"; 1: `Very important', 2: `Important', 3: `Neutral', 4: `Not very important', 5: `Not important at all' computer programming(Robot-related Knowledge: computer programming): "Please specify your knowledge regarding technology related to robotics. - How would you describe your knowledge of computer programming?"; 1: `None at all, 2: `A little, 3: `A moderate amount', 4: `A lot', 5: `Professional' robotics(Robot-related Knowledge:robotics): "Please specify your knowledge regarding technology related to robotics. - How would you describe your knowledge of robotics?";1: `None at all, 2: `A little, 3: `A moderate amount', 4: `A lot', 5: `Professional' artificial intelligence(Robot-related Knowledge:artificial intelligence): "Please specify your knowledge regarding technology related to robotics. - How would you describe your knowledge of artificial intelligence?"; 1: `None at all, 2: `A little, 3: `A moderate amount', 4: `A lot', 5: `Professional' Attitude1(Negative Attitudes Toward Robots (NARS) scale item): "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following sentences describing robots? Please select one answer for each statement. - I would feel uneasy if I were given a job where I had to use robots."; 1: `Strongly disagree, 2: `Somewhat disagree, 3: `Neither agree nor disagree', 4: `Somewhat agree', 5: `Strongly agree' Attitude2(Negative Attitudes Toward Robots (NARS) scale item 2): "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following sentences describing robots? Please select one answer for each statement. - I would feel nervous operating a robot in front of other people."; 1: `Strongly disagree, 2: `Somewhat disagree, 3: `Neither agree nor disagree', 4: `Somewhat agree', 5: `Strongly agree' Attitude3(Negative Attitudes Toward Robots (NARS) scale item 3): "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following sentences describing robots? Please select one answer for each statement. - I would hate the idea that robots or artificial intelligences were making judgments about things."; 1: `Strongly disagree, 2: `Somewhat disagree, 3: `Neither agree nor disagree', 4: `Somewhat agree', 5: `Strongly agree' Attitude4(Negative Attitudes Toward Robots (NARS) scale item 4): "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following sentences describing robots? Please select one answer for each statement. - I am concerned that robots would be a bad influence on children."; 1: `Strongly disagree, 2: `Somewhat disagree, 3: `Neither agree nor disagree', 4: `Somewhat agree', 5: `Strongly agree' Attitude5(Negative Attitudes Toward Robots (NARS) scale item 5): "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following sentences describing robots? Please select one answer for each statement. - If robots had emotions, I would not be able to make friends with them."; 1: `Strongly disagree, 2: `Somewhat disagree, 3: `Neither agree nor disagree', 4: `Somewhat agree', 5: `Strongly agree' Attitude6(Negative Attitudes Toward Robots (NARS) scale item 6): "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following sentences describing robots? Please select one answer for each statement. - I do not feel comforted being with robots that have emotions."; 1: `Strongly disagree, 2: `Somewhat disagree, 3: `Neither agree nor disagree', 4: `Somewhat agree', 5: `Strongly agree' age: "What is your age?" gender: "How would you describe your gender?"; 1: male, 2: female, 3: Prefer not to answer, 4: Prefer to self describe Usage Guidelines: This dataset is made available under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.