Creator: Xian Li, Feb 22, 2021 To Cite this Work: Xian Li. The enhancement of coseismic slip and ground motion due to the accretionary wedge and sedimentary layer in the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue. Notations of folder/file name: EQ: earthquake awsed: model with accretionary wedge and sedimentary. awonly: model only with accretionary wedge. sedonly: model only with sedimentary layer. homo: homogeneous model. Files contained: The folder named 'input_files' contains three kinds of files: '.inp', '.mesh2d', '.txt'. - '.inp' files set parameters for models, including material velocities, densities, normal stress, friction coefficients, initial shear stress on faults et al. Details about the blocks in '.inp' files are described in the manual of SEM2DPACK ( Note that the input file must be called Par.inp when you run simulations in SEM2DPACK. - '.mesh2d' files store mesh information of models, which are imported by '.inp' files in the block &MESH_MESH2D. - '.txt' files are location data of receivers, which are imported by '.inp' files in the block &REC_LINE. Under the folder named '2011Tohoku_EQ', the 'comparisons' folder store the input files of awsed, awonly, sedonly, homo models, which have the same friction and stress state on the fault. The 'bestfitting_models' folder store the input files which produce deformation best-fitting observation for the awonly, sedonly, homo models. The 'smaller_EQ' folder store the input files of awsed, awonly, sedonly, homo models, which have the same friction and stress state on the fault. The four models generate small earthquakes whose rupture does not reach the accretionary wedge. The 'otherEQ_scenarios' folder includes four other earthquake scenarios when the rupture terminates at different depths. The folder named 'plot_scripts' contains '.m' files which are used for visualization by Matlab. - 'figure2.m' plots the surface projection of the along-dip distributions of initial shear stress, static strength, dynamic strength , and critical slip distance for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and a smaller Tohoku-Oki earthquake. - 'figure3.m' plots the surface deformation, fault slip, and slip rate produced by the awsed, awonly, sedonly, homo models during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. - 'figure4.m' plots increased fault slip and surface deformation in the non-homogeneous models compared with the homogeneous model in the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. - 'figure5.m' plots fault slip and surface ∂deformation produced by the awsed, awonly, sedonly, homo models during the smaller Tohoku-Oki earthquake. - 'figure6.m' compares accelerograms between the awsed and homogeneous models, and compares amplification factors for two frequency ranges at 0.1-0.5 Hz and 0.5-2.0 Hz produced by the three non-homogeneous models. How to use these data: 1. Download SEM2DPACK version 2.3.8 from 2. Compiling the solver code following the user's guide: 3. Put the input file '.inp' into the folder 'SEM2DPCAK', and change the name to 'Par.inp'. 4. Run simulations by the command ./sem2dslove. 5. Get result folders. 6. Give paths of these result folders in '.m' files, and plot simulation data.