Set of images for Figures 1 and 2 and 6 and Supplementary Figure 7 1. ‘120111 wm icc zpr1 s1s2 ctrl r2 40-1z.zvi’, ‘120111 wm icc zpr1 s1s2 ctrl r2 40-2z.zvi’, and ‘120111 wm icc zpr1 s1s2 ctrl r2 40-3z.zvi’ are examples of flat-mounted retinae as shown in Fig. 2C These are from an adult, double transgenic (Tg[sws1:GFP; sws2:mCherry]) line in which UV and Blue cones express distinct fluorescent reporters under control of UV and Blue opsin promoters, respectively. Antibody staining labels Red and Green cones. 2. ‘032813 FBY rh1 ZO1 r1 no gfp 63x-3 Nunley et al Fig 6E.zvi’ is the example image in Fig. 6E Apical plane of cones in retinal flat-mount from tbx2b mutant, which lacks UV cones. The cone mosaic is disrupted in this mutant. 3. ‘070819 trb2 20x CMZ Nunley et al Fig. 6A.lif’ is the example image from Fig. 6A Cross-section of wild-type retina in which immunostaining of Red cone opsin labels Red cones. 4. ‘112012 citrate betacat 549 zo649 r4 63x-4 Nunley et al Fig 6C.zvi’ is the example image from Fig. 6C Apical plane of wild-type cone mosaic lattice in retinal flat-mount in which anti-ZO-1 stains cell profiles. 5. ‘122418 trb2-31bp ZO SP5 Nunley et al SI Fig 7B.lif’ is the example image from Fig. S7B Flat-mount retinal preparation of trβ2 mutant immunostained with ZO1 6. ‘122418 trb2-31bp ZP SP5 Nunley et al Fig. 6D.lif’ is the example image from Fig. 6D Apical plane of cone mosaic in retinal flat-mount from trβ2 mutant, which lacks Red cones. 7. ‘122418 y-junction renamed Nunley et al Fig 1B.lif’ is the example image from Fig. 1B Cone mosaic from flat-mount retinal preparation of an adult, triple transgenic fish, Tg[sws2:GFP; trβ2:tdTomato; gnat2:CFP]. Blue cones express a fluorescent reporter under control of the sws2 promoter, and Red cones express a fluorescent reporter under control of the trβ2 promoter. All cones express an additional reporter under control of the gnat2 promoter. We distinguish between UV and Green cone subtypes based on morphology. 8. ‘triple_transgenic_no y-junction to y-junction comparison.tif’ shows examples of triple transgenic fish (same line as in ‘122418 y-junction renamed Nunley et al Fig 1B.lif’). One example image has no y-junction; the other does have a y-junction. 9. ‘triple_transgenic_y-junction summary.tif’ shows examples of triple transgenic fish (same line as in ‘122418 y-junction renamed Nunley et al Fig 1B.lif’). All examples have y-junctions. 10. ‘052215 R3 ZO UV.lif’ is an example of (raw) data for a tile scan of a flat-mounted retina (similar to Fig. 3) Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Lorenzo Gonzalez, A., Suzuki, S., Norton, D., Wong, R., Raymond, P., Lubensky, D. Set of images for Figures 1 and 2 and 6 and Supplementary Figure 7 [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.