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Connecting Poverty to Purchase in Informal Markets

dc.contributor.authorLondon, Teden_US
dc.contributor.authorEsper, Heatheren_US
dc.contributor.authorGrogan-Kaylor, Andrewen_US
dc.contributor.authorKistruck, Geoffrey M.en_US
dc.identifier.citationLondon, Ted; Esper, Heather; Grogan‐kaylor, Andrew ; Kistruck, Geoffrey M. (2014). "Connecting Poverty to Purchase in Informal Markets." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (1): 37-55.en_US
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.en_US
dc.subject.otherInformal Economyen_US
dc.subject.otherInstitutional Environmenten_US
dc.subject.otherPoverty Alleviationen_US
dc.subject.otherInformal Marketsen_US
dc.subject.otherBase of the Pyramiden_US
dc.titleConnecting Poverty to Purchase in Informal Marketsen_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.identifier.sourceStrategic Entrepreneurship Journalen_US
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