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Report On The Hexactiniæ Of The Columbia University Expedition To Puget Sound During The Summer Of 1896

dc.contributor.authorMcMurrich, J. Playfairen_US
dc.identifier.citationMcMurrich, J. Playfair (1901). "Report On The Hexactiniæ Of The Columbia University Expedition To Puget Sound During The Summer Of 1896." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 14(1). <>en_US
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishing Ltden_US
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.en_US
dc.titleReport On The Hexactiniæ Of The Columbia University Expedition To Puget Sound During The Summer Of 1896en_US
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelScience (General)en_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.contributor.affiliationotherU niversity of M ichiganen_US
dc.identifier.sourceAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciencesen_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcMurrich, J. P. ′97 Contributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa. IV Zoolog. Bull., I. 1897.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHertwlg, R. ′88 Supplement to the Report on the Actiniaria Report on the Sci. Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Zool. Part LXXIII. 1888.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceJourdan, E. ′80 Recherches Zoologiques et histologiques sur les Zoanthaires du Golfe de Marseilles Am. Sci. Nat. Zool., 6me sér., X. 1880.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcMurrich, J. P. ′89 The Actiniaria of the Bahama Islands, W. I. Journ. of Morph., III. 1889.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcMurrich, J. P. ′90 Contributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa. I. The Structure of Cerianthus Americanus Journ. of Morph., IV. 1890.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcMurrich, J. P. ′93 Report on the Actiniæ collected by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during the winter of 1887–88 Proc. U. S. Natl. Museum, XVI. 1893.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceTeale, 'T. P. ′37 On the Anatomy of Actinia coriacea Trans. Phil. Soc. Leeds, I. 1837.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceTilesins, G. T. ′09 De nova actiniarum specie gigantea Kamtschatica Mém. Acad. Imp. St. Petersbourg, I. 1809.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceVerrill, A. E. ′64 Revision of the Polypi of the Eastern Coast of the United States. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., I. 1864.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceVerrill, A. E. ′65 Classification of Polyps Proc. Essex Inst., IV. 1865.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceVerrill, A. E. ′99 Descriptions of imperfectly known and new Actinians, with critical notes on other species Amer. Journ. Sci., VII. 1899.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceAndres, A. ′83 Le Attinie Founa u. Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Monogr. XI. 1883.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceDuerden, J. E. ′97 The Actiniarian Family Aliciid Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, XX. 1897.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceGosse, P. H. ′65 On Peachia hastata, with observations on the family of Actiniadæ Trans. Linuean Soc., XXI. 1855.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGosse, P. H. ′60 Actinologia Britannica. London. 1860.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHaddon, A. O. ′89 A Revision of the British Actiniæ. Part I Sci. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. Ser. 2, IV. 1889.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceHertwig, O. & Hertwig, R. ′79 Die Actinien. Jena. 1879.en_US
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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