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Epitaxy of spin injectors and their application toward spin -polarized lasers.

dc.contributor.authorHolub, Michael A.
dc.contributor.advisorBhattacharya, Pallab
dc.description.abstractSpintronics is an emerging; multidisciplinary field which examines the role of electron and nuclear spin in solid-state physics. Recent experiments suggest that the spin degree of freedom may be exploited to enhance the functionality of conventional semi conductor devices. Such endeavors require methods for efficient spin injection; spin transport, and spin detection in semiconductor heterostructures. This dissertation investigates the molecular-beam epitaxial growth and properties of ferromagnetic materials for electrical spin injection. Spin-injecting contacts are incorporated into prototype spintronic devices and their performance is examined. Two classes of materials may be used for spin injection into semiconductors: dilute magnetic semiconductor and ferromagnetic metals. The low-temperature growth and properties of (Al)Gal\4nAs and In(Ga)MnAs epilayers and nanostructures are investigated, and a technique for the self-organized growth of Mn-doped InAs quantum dots is developed. The epitaxial growth of (Fe,MnAs)/(Al)GaAs Schottky tunnel barriers for electron spin injection is also investigated. The spin-injection efficiency of these contacts is assessed using a spin-valve or spin-polarized light-emitting diode. Lateral MnAs/GaAs spin-valves where Schottky tunnel barriers enable all-electrical spin injection and detection are grown, fabricated, and characterized. The Rowell criteria confirm that tunneling is the dominant, transport mechanism for the Schottky tunnel contacts. A peak magnetoresistance of 3.6% at 10 K and 1.1% at 125 K are observed for a 0.5 pin channel length spin-valve. Measurements using non-local spin-valves and other control devices verify that spurious contributions from anisotropic magnetoresistance and local Hall effects are negligible. Spin-polarized lasers offer inherent polarization control, reduced chirp, and lower threshold currents and are expected to outperform their charge-based counterparts. Initial efforts to realize a spin-VCSEL utilize (Ga,Mn)As spin aligners for hole spin injection. The polarization of the laser emission is dominated by dichroic absorption in the ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As spin-aligner layer, which greatly complicates the verification of spin injection. Significant spin-dependent effects are observed in a spin-VCSEL utilizing epitaxially regrown Fe/AlGaAs Schottky tunnel barriers. A maximum degree of circular polarization of 23% and corresponding threshold current reduction of 11% are measured for a 15 mum Fe spin-VCSEL at 50 K. A cavity spin polarization of 16.8% is estimated from rate equation analysis.
dc.format.extent223 p.
dc.subjectMolecular Beam Epitaxy
dc.subjectSchottky Tunnels
dc.subjectSpin Injectors
dc.subjectSpin-polarized Lasers
dc.titleEpitaxy of spin injectors and their application toward spin -polarized lasers.
dc.description.thesisdegreedisciplineApplied Sciences
dc.description.thesisdegreedisciplineCondensed matter physics
dc.description.thesisdegreedisciplineElectrical engineering
dc.description.thesisdegreedisciplinePure Sciences
dc.description.thesisdegreegrantorUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
dc.owningcollnameDissertations and Theses (Ph.D. and Master's)

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