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Temporal and spatial dynamics of large lake hypoxia: Integrating statistical and three‐dimensional dynamic models to enhance lake management criteria

dc.contributor.authorBocaniov, Serghei A.
dc.contributor.authorScavia, Donald
dc.identifier.citationBocaniov, Serghei A.; Scavia, Donald (2016). "Temporal and spatial dynamics of large lake hypoxia: Integrating statistical and three‐dimensional dynamic models to enhance lake management criteria." Water Resources Research 52(6): 4247-4263.
dc.description.abstractHypoxia or low bottom water dissolved oxygen (DO) is a world‐wide problem of management concern requiring an understanding and ability to monitor and predict its spatial and temporal dynamics. However, this is often made difficult in large lakes and coastal oceans because of limited spatial and temporal coverage of field observations. We used a calibrated and validated three‐dimensional ecological model of Lake Erie to extend a statistical relationship between hypoxic extent and bottom water DO concentrations to explore implications of the broader temporal and spatial development and dissipation of hypoxia. We provide the first numerical demonstration that hypoxia initiates in the nearshore, not the deep portion of the basin, and that the threshold used to define hypoxia matters in both spatial and temporal dynamics and in its sensitivity to climate. We show that existing monitoring programs likely underestimate both maximum hypoxic extent and the importance of low oxygen in the nearshore, discuss implications for ecosystem and drinking water protection, and recommend how these results could be used to efficiently and economically extend monitoring programs.Key Points:We modeled seasonal and spatial dynamics of Lake Erie hypoxiaWe showed hypoxia starts nearshore and can persist after traditional monitoring programs endWe recommend monitoring adjustments and explore impacts of different hypoxia definitions
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.publisherWayne State Univ. Press
dc.subject.otherLake Erie
dc.titleTemporal and spatial dynamics of large lake hypoxia: Integrating statistical and three‐dimensional dynamic models to enhance lake management criteria
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelNatural Resources and Environment
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceWater Resources Research
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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