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The Role of Anticipated Emotions in Purchase Intentions

dc.contributor.authorBagozzi, Richard P.
dc.contributor.authorBelanche, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorCasaló, Luis V.
dc.contributor.authorFlavián, Carlos
dc.identifier.citationBagozzi, Richard P.; Belanche, Daniel; Casaló, Luis V. ; Flavián, Carlos (2016). "The Role of Anticipated Emotions in Purchase Intentions." Psychology & Marketing 33(8): 629-645.
dc.description.abstractKey personal inputs to decision making reside in expectations about whether a purchase or nonpurchase will make one feel better. Integrating several theoretical approaches, this research proposes a holistic framework formed by four kinds of anticipated emotions (AEs) resulting from the crossing of positive‐ or negative‐valenced emotions with action or inaction. Specifically, this research proposes that consumers under a purchase scenario tend to consider positive and negative AEs of both purchase and nonpurchase in their decisions. Research in this area to date has been sparse and focused mostly on AEs with regard to purchase, but not nonpurchase. The results of four studies confirm that AEs influence purchase decisions in a coordinated way depending on their instrumentality, motivating purchase or nonpurchase. AEs also partially mediate the effect of outcome valence on purchase decisions. Taking the status quo bias as a theoretical basis, this work proposes that the amount of information of favorable and unfavorable outcome messages has a greater influence on AEs motivating purchase than AEs motivating nonpurchase. Finally, future research lines are proposed to expand the use of this fourfold framework and more generally to understand the role of forward‐looking emotions in decision processes.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.titleThe Role of Anticipated Emotions in Purchase Intentions
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourcePsychology & Marketing
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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