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Characterization of Structural and Electronic Transitions During Reduction and Oxidation of Ru(acac)3 Flow Battery Electrolytes by using X‐ray Absorption Spectroscopy

dc.contributor.authorKucharyson, Jonathan F.
dc.contributor.authorGaudet, Jason R.
dc.contributor.authorWyvratt, Brian M.
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Levi T.
dc.identifier.citationKucharyson, Jonathan F.; Gaudet, Jason R.; Wyvratt, Brian M.; Thompson, Levi T. (2016). "Characterization of Structural and Electronic Transitions During Reduction and Oxidation of Ru(acac)3 Flow Battery Electrolytes by using X‐ray Absorption Spectroscopy." ChemElectroChem 3(11): 1875-1883.
dc.description.abstractMetal acetylacetonates possess several very attractive electrochemical properties; however, their cyclabilities fall short of targets for use in nonaqueous redox flow batteries. This paper describes structural and compositional changes during the reduction and oxidation of ruthenium(III) acetylacetonate [Ru(acac)3], a representative acetylacetonate. Voltammetry, bulk electrolysis, and in situ X‐ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) results are complemented by those from density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The reduction of Ru(acac)3 in acetonitrile is highly reversible, producing a couple at −1.1 V versus Ag/Ag+. In situ XAS and DFT indicate the formation of [Ru(acac)3]− with Ru−O bonds lengthened relative to Ru(acac)3, nearly all of the charge localized on Ru, and no ligand shedding. The oxidation of Ru(acac)3 is quasireversible, with a couple at 0.7 V. The initial product is likely [Ru(acac)3]+; however, this species is short‐lived, converting to a product with a couple at −0.2 V, a structure that is nearly identical to that of Ru(acac)3 within 3 Å of Ru, and approximately 70 % of the charge extracted from Ru (balance from acetylacetone). This non‐innocence likely contributes to the instability of [Ru(acac)3]+. Taken together, the results suggest that the stabilities and cyclabilities of acetylacetonates are determined by the degree of charge transfer to/from the metal.Track changes: The structural and electronic changes of Ru(acac)3 during oxidation and reduction are characterized using bulk electrolysis and in situ X‐ray absorption spectroscopy. Reduction is found to be reversible with minimal structural changes, and the electrons being stored entirely on the ruthenium. Oxidation results in a rapid side reaction as a result of electrons extracted from the ligand.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
dc.subject.otherruthenium acetylacetonate
dc.subject.otherenergy storage
dc.subject.otherX-ray absorption spectroscopy
dc.subject.otherredox flow batteries
dc.titleCharacterization of Structural and Electronic Transitions During Reduction and Oxidation of Ru(acac)3 Flow Battery Electrolytes by using X‐ray Absorption Spectroscopy
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
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