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Effects of sudden commencement on the ionosphere: PFISR observations and global MHD simulation

dc.contributor.authorZou, Shasha
dc.contributor.authorOzturk, Dogacan
dc.contributor.authorVarney, Roger
dc.contributor.authorReimer, Ashton
dc.identifier.citationZou, Shasha; Ozturk, Dogacan; Varney, Roger; Reimer, Ashton (2017). "Effects of sudden commencement on the ionosphere: PFISR observations and global MHD simulation." Geophysical Research Letters 44(7): 3047-3058.
dc.description.abstractSudden commencement (SC) induced by solar wind pressure enhancement can produce significant global impact on the coupled magnetosphere‐ionosphere (MI) system, and its effects have been studied extensively using ground magnetometers and coherent scatter radars. However, very limited observations have been reported about the effects of SC on the ionospheric plasma. Here we report detailed Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) observations of the ionospheric response to SC during the 17 March 2015 storm. PFISR observed lifting of the F region ionosphere, transient field‐aligned ion upflow, prompt but short‐lived ion temperature increase, subsequent F region density decrease, and persistent electron temperature increase. A global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation has been carried out to characterize the SC‐induced current, convection, and magnetic perturbations. Simulated magnetic perturbations at Poker Flat show a satisfactory agreement with observations. The simulation provides a global context for linking localized PFISR observations to large‐scale dynamic processes in the MI system.Key PointsPFISR‐observed ionospheric plasma responses to field‐aligned currents and ionospheric convection vortices formed during sudden commencementResponses include F region plasma lifting, field‐aligned ion upflow, density decrease, short‐lived Ti increase and long‐lasting Te increaseGlobal MHD simulation reproduced the magnetic perturbation on the ground and revealed SC‐related FACs and convection evolutions
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherincoherent scatter radar
dc.subject.otherground magnetic perturbation
dc.subject.othersudden commencement
dc.subject.othermagnetohydrodynamic model
dc.subject.otherfrictional heating
dc.subject.otherion upflow
dc.titleEffects of sudden commencement on the ionosphere: PFISR observations and global MHD simulation
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelGeological Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceGeophysical Research Letters
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