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A multispacecraft study of a small flux rope entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines

dc.contributor.authorHuang, Jia
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Yong C.‐m.
dc.contributor.authorPeng, Jun
dc.contributor.authorLi, Hui
dc.contributor.authorKlecker, Berndt
dc.contributor.authorFarrugia, Charles J.
dc.contributor.authorYu, Wenyuan
dc.contributor.authorGalvin, Antoinette B.
dc.contributor.authorZhao, Liang
dc.contributor.authorHe, Jiansen
dc.identifier.citationHuang, Jia; Liu, Yong C.‐m. ; Peng, Jun; Li, Hui; Klecker, Berndt; Farrugia, Charles J.; Yu, Wenyuan; Galvin, Antoinette B.; Zhao, Liang; He, Jiansen (2017). "A multispacecraft study of a small flux rope entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(7): 6927-6939.
dc.description.abstractWe present a small flux rope (SFR) with smooth magnetic field rotations entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines around 1 AU. Such SFRs have only been seldom reported in the literature. This SFR was adjacent to a heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS), which is defined as a high plasma beta region in the vicinity of a heliospheric current sheet. Even though the SFR and HPS have different plasma beta, they possess similar plasma signatures (such as temperature, density, and bulk speed), density ratio of alpha particleâ toâ proton (Nα/Np), and heavy ion ionization states, which imply that they may have a similar origin in the corona. The composition and the configuration of the rolling back magnetic field lines suggested that the SFR originated from the streamer belt through interchange reconnection. The origin processes of the SFR are presented here. Combining the observations of STEREO and ACE, the SFR was shown to have an axis tilted to the ecliptic plane and the radius may vary with different spatial positions. In this study, we suggest that interchange reconnection can play an important role for the origin of, at least, some SFRs and slow solar wind.Key PointsCompositional data are used to diagnose the origin of the SFR in this studyInterchange reconnection can play an important role for the origin of some SFRs and slow solar windSpacecraft may miss the in situ SFRs due to their morphologies
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othersmall flux rope
dc.subject.othersolar wind
dc.subject.otherinterchange reconnection
dc.subject.otherrolling back magnetic field lines
dc.titleA multispacecraft study of a small flux rope entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelAstronomy and Astrophysics
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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