Now showing items 1-10 of 76598
Nurse preparedness for the non‐communicable disease escalation in Thailand: A cross‐sectional survey of nurses
(Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Blackwell Publishing Asia, 2012-03)
Chronic diseases are now the largest cause of mortality in Thailand, and form an increasingly large portion of the healthcare landscape. In the Thai health system, many patients with chronic conditions receive care and ...
A Mixture or a Compound? Community-Level Antecedents of Firms’ Category-Spanning Strategies.
This dissertation examines community-level antecedents of firms’ market diversification and product differentiation strategies using the concept of category spanning. Exploiting novel and extensive data on the restaurant ...
Association of Plasma 25â Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations and Pathogenic Oral Bacteria in Postmenopausal Females
(American Academy of PeriodontologyWiley Periodicals, Inc., 2014-07)
Facets of an Assignment Problem with 0–1 Side Constraint
(Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer Science+Business Media, 2000-09)
We show that the problem of finding a perfect matching satisfying a single equality constraint with a 0–1 coefficients in an n × n incomplete bipartite graph, polynomially reduces to a special case of the same peoblem ...
The high-risk recipient: the Eighth Annual American Society of Transplant Surgeons’ State-of-the-Art Winter Symposium
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010-01)
Sung RS, Pomfret EA, Andreoni KA, Baker TB, Peters TG. The high-risk recipient: the Eighth Annual American Society of Transplant Surgeons’ State-of-the-Art Winter Symposium. Clin Transplant 2010: 24: 23–28. © 2009 John ...
Schoolchildren's Consumption of Competitive Foods and Beverages, Excluding à la Carte *
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010-09)
BACKGROUND: Competitive foods/beverages are those in school vending machines, school stores, snack bars, special sales, and items sold à la carte in the school cafeteria that compete with United States Department of ...
Latitude, digit ratios, and Allen's and Bergmann's rules: a comment on Loehlin, McFadden, Medland, and Martin (2006)
(Germany: Springer., 2007-04)
Comments on an article by J. C. Loehlin, D. McFadden, S. E. Medland and N. G. Martin (see record 2007-07455-014). The authors investigated the relationship between latitude and digit ratio (2D:4D). Like digit ratio, height ...