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The Joseph M. Magliochetti Industry Champion Award Luncheon Honoring Rep. John Dingell, June 11, 2008

dc.contributor.authorDingell, John D.
dc.description.abstract110th Congress (2007-2008). Photographs and documents of The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) 2008 Joseph M. Magliochetti Industry Champion Award Luncheon honoring Rep. John D. Dingell.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCongressional Papers - 110th Congress (2007-2008) - Travel and events - MEMA 2008
dc.titleThe Joseph M. Magliochetti Industry Champion Award Luncheon Honoring Rep. John Dingell, June 11, 2008
dc.typeArchival Materialen_US
dc.rights.copyrightDonor(s) have transferred any applicable copyright to the Regents of the University of Michigan but the collection may contain third-party materials for which copyright was not transferred. Patrons are responsible for determining the appropriate use or reuse of materials.en_US
dc.owningcollnameJohn D. Dingell, Jr. papers

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