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The DSM‐5 nonsuicidal self‐injury disorder among incoming college students: Prevalence and associations with 12‐month mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors

dc.contributor.authorKiekens, Glenn
dc.contributor.authorHasking, Penelope
dc.contributor.authorClaes, Laurence
dc.contributor.authorMortier, Philippe
dc.contributor.authorAuerbach, Randy P.
dc.contributor.authorBoyes, Mark
dc.contributor.authorCuijpers, Pim
dc.contributor.authorDemyttenaere, Koen
dc.contributor.authorGreen, Jennifer G.
dc.contributor.authorKessler, Ronald C.
dc.contributor.authorNock, Matthew K.
dc.contributor.authorBruffaerts, Ronny
dc.identifier.citationKiekens, Glenn; Hasking, Penelope; Claes, Laurence; Mortier, Philippe; Auerbach, Randy P.; Boyes, Mark; Cuijpers, Pim; Demyttenaere, Koen; Green, Jennifer G.; Kessler, Ronald C.; Nock, Matthew K.; Bruffaerts, Ronny (2018). "The DSM‐5 nonsuicidal self‐injury disorder among incoming college students: Prevalence and associations with 12‐month mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors." Depression and Anxiety 35(7): 629-637.
dc.publisherAmerican Psychiatric Press
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othermental disorders
dc.subject.othernonsuicidal self‐injury
dc.subject.othercollege students
dc.titleThe DSM‐5 nonsuicidal self‐injury disorder among incoming college students: Prevalence and associations with 12‐month mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceDepression and Anxiety
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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