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STRENDA DB: enabling the validation and sharing of enzyme kinetics data

dc.contributor.authorSwainston, Neil
dc.contributor.authorBaici, Antonio
dc.contributor.authorBakker, Barbara M.
dc.contributor.authorCornish‐bowden, Athel
dc.contributor.authorFitzpatrick, Paul F.
dc.contributor.authorHalling, Peter
dc.contributor.authorLeyh, Thomas S.
dc.contributor.authorO’Donovan, Claire
dc.contributor.authorRaushel, Frank M.
dc.contributor.authorReschel, Udo
dc.contributor.authorRohwer, Johann M.
dc.contributor.authorSchnell, Santiago
dc.contributor.authorSchomburg, Dietmar
dc.contributor.authorTipton, Keith F.
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Ming‐daw
dc.contributor.authorWesterhoff, Hans V.
dc.contributor.authorWittig, Ulrike
dc.contributor.authorWohlgemuth, Roland
dc.contributor.authorKettner, Carsten
dc.identifier.citationSwainston, Neil; Baici, Antonio; Bakker, Barbara M.; Cornish‐bowden, Athel ; Fitzpatrick, Paul F.; Halling, Peter; Leyh, Thomas S.; O’Donovan, Claire; Raushel, Frank M.; Reschel, Udo; Rohwer, Johann M.; Schnell, Santiago; Schomburg, Dietmar; Tipton, Keith F.; Tsai, Ming‐daw ; Westerhoff, Hans V.; Wittig, Ulrike; Wohlgemuth, Roland; Kettner, Carsten (2018). "STRENDA DB: enabling the validation and sharing of enzyme kinetics data." The FEBS Journal 285(12): 2193-2204.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.titleSTRENDA DB: enabling the validation and sharing of enzyme kinetics data
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelMolecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceThe FEBS Journal
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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