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The effect of implantâ abutment junction position on crestal bone loss: A systematic review and metaâ analysis

dc.contributor.authorSaleh, Muhammad H. A.
dc.contributor.authorRavidà, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorSuárez‐lópez Del Amo, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorLin, Guo‐hao
dc.contributor.authorAsa’ad, Farah
dc.contributor.authorWang, Hom‐lay
dc.identifier.citationSaleh, Muhammad H. A.; Ravidà, Andrea ; Suárez‐lópez Del Amo, Fernando ; Lin, Guo‐hao ; Asa’ad, Farah; Wang, Hom‐lay (2018). "The effect of implantâ abutment junction position on crestal bone loss: A systematic review and metaâ analysis." Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 20(4): 617-633.
dc.description.abstractPurposeTo investigate the effect of the apicoâ coronal implant position on early and late crestal bone loss (CBL), in bone and tissue level implants.Materials and methodsElectronic and manual literature searches were conducted for controlled clinical trials reporting on CBL before and after functional loading of implants. Random effects metaâ analyses were applied to analyze the weighted mean difference (WMD) and metaâ regression was conducted to investigate any potential influences of select confounding factors.ResultsFourteen articles were included in the systematic review and 12 were included in the quantitative synthesis. For bone level implants, WMD comparing early CBL in equi and subcrestal placement was 0.15 mm (Pâ =â .18). For analyses of late CBL in bone level implants, equi and subcrestal placement revealed a 0.03 mm WMD (Pâ =â .88). Where in supra and subcrestal placement, WMD was 0.04 mm (Pâ =â .86). The comparison presented considerable heterogeneity between these two arms, where the P value for chiâ square test presented as .006. Finally, for CBL between supra and equicrestal placement, WMD was â 0.64 mm (Pâ <â .0001), favoring the supracrestal group. For tissue level implants, WM of early and late CBL in implants placed equiâ crestally was 0.68â ±â 0.12 mm and 0.69â ±â 0.54 mm, respectively, where for implants placed subâ crestally, the WM of CBL was 1.72â ±â 0.15 mm and 2.26â ±â 0.63 mm, respectively.ConclusionWithin the limitations of this study, it is recommended to place tissue level implants equicrestally, and bone level implants subcrestally.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherdental implant
dc.subject.otherclinical study
dc.subject.otherbone remodeling
dc.titleThe effect of implantâ abutment junction position on crestal bone loss: A systematic review and metaâ analysis
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceClinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research
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