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Tuberous sclerosis complex exhibits a new renal cystogenic mechanism

dc.contributor.authorBissler, John J.
dc.contributor.authorZadjali, Fahad
dc.contributor.authorBridges, Dave
dc.contributor.authorAstrinidis, Aristotelis
dc.contributor.authorBarone, Sharon
dc.contributor.authorYao, Ying
dc.contributor.authorRedd, JeAnna R.
dc.contributor.authorSiroky, Brian J.
dc.contributor.authorWang, Yanqing
dc.contributor.authorFinley, Joel T.
dc.contributor.authorRusiniak, Michael E.
dc.contributor.authorBaumann, Heinz
dc.contributor.authorZahedi, Kamyar
dc.contributor.authorGross, Kenneth W.
dc.contributor.authorSoleimani, Manoocher
dc.identifier.citationBissler, John J.; Zadjali, Fahad; Bridges, Dave; Astrinidis, Aristotelis; Barone, Sharon; Yao, Ying; Redd, JeAnna R.; Siroky, Brian J.; Wang, Yanqing; Finley, Joel T.; Rusiniak, Michael E.; Baumann, Heinz; Zahedi, Kamyar; Gross, Kenneth W.; Soleimani, Manoocher (2019). "Tuberous sclerosis complex exhibits a new renal cystogenic mechanism." Physiological Reports (2): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractTuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a tumor predisposition syndrome with significant renal cystic and solid tumor disease. While the most common renal tumor in TSC, the angiomyolipoma, exhibits a loss of heterozygosity associated with disease, we have discovered that the renal cystic epithelium is composed of type A intercalated cells that have an intact Tsc gene that have been induced to exhibit Tsc‐mutant disease phenotype. This mechanism appears to be different than that for ADPKD. The murine models described here closely resemble the human disease and both appear to be mTORC1 inhibitor responsive. The induction signaling driving cystogenesis may be mediated by extracellular vesicle trafficking.TSC renal cystic disease develops in about half of the patients. The disease appears to caused by an induction mechanism such that a small population of mutant cells can cause significant renal cystic disease comprised of mostly genetically normal cells.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherrenal cystogenesis
dc.subject.otherrenal cystic disease
dc.subject.otherIntercalated cells
dc.subject.otherTuberous sclerosis complex
dc.titleTuberous sclerosis complex exhibits a new renal cystogenic mechanism
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourcePhysiological Reports
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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