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Logics and Logistics for Future Research: Appropriately Interpreting the Emotional Landscape of Multicultural Negotiation

dc.contributor.authorRees, Laura
dc.contributor.authorKopelman, Shirli
dc.identifier.citationRees, Laura; Kopelman, Shirli (2019). "Logics and Logistics for Future Research: Appropriately Interpreting the Emotional Landscape of Multicultural Negotiation." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 12(2): 131-145.
dc.description.abstractTo invigorate future teaching and research, this article discusses theoretical approaches and empirical opportunities to better understand emotional dynamics in negotiation settings across cultural contexts. We adopt a culturally informed logic of appropriateness (Kopelman, ) to shed light on emerging and underexplored topics in this domain. The goal of this article is to inspire scholars worldwide to engage in rigorous empirical investigations of the antecedents, consequences, mechanisms, boundary conditions, and evidence‐based strategies in the combined domain of negotiation, culture, and emotion through research, teaching, and practice.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons
dc.subject.otherlogic of appropriateness
dc.titleLogics and Logistics for Future Research: Appropriately Interpreting the Emotional Landscape of Multicultural Negotiation
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelLaw and Legal Studies
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelGovernment Information and Law
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceNegotiation and Conflict Management Research
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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