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Purpose and mastery as predictors of perceived health and substance use problems

dc.contributor.authorStoddard, Sarah A.
dc.contributor.authorPierce, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorHurd, Noelle M.
dc.contributor.authorBauermeister, José A.
dc.contributor.authorZimmerman, Marc A.
dc.identifier.citationStoddard, Sarah A.; Pierce, Jennifer; Hurd, Noelle M.; Bauermeister, José A. ; Zimmerman, Marc A. (2019). "Purpose and mastery as predictors of perceived health and substance use problems." Journal of Community Psychology 47(6): 1514-1529.
dc.description.abstractWe explored whether purpose in life and mastery predicted perceived physical health and problematic substance use among a sample of emerging adults who reported ever using alcohol or drugs. We examined perceived stress and coping as potential mediators of these associations and explored whether parental support moderated any of these associations. In a sample of emerging adults from across the United States (N = 2,564; Mage = 20.87, standard deviation = 1.75; 49.6% male), purpose in life and mastery were associated with better‐perceived health and fewer negative consequences of drug use via lower perceived stress and coping. In addition, parental support modified the relationship between purpose in life and stress and coping. The findings suggest potential health benefits associated with a greater purpose in life and mastery and indicate that parental support may enhance these associations.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherpurpose in life
dc.subject.otherparental support
dc.subject.otherperceived health
dc.subject.otherproblematic substance use
dc.titlePurpose and mastery as predictors of perceived health and substance use problems
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Community Psychology
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