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The nomenclature and application of the names Euphorbia candelabrum Welw. and Euphorbia ingens in tropical Africa

dc.contributor.authorBruyns, Peter V.
dc.contributor.authorBerry, Paul E.
dc.identifier.citationBruyns, Peter V.; Berry, Paul E. (2019). "The nomenclature and application of the names Euphorbia candelabrum Welw. and Euphorbia ingens in tropical Africa." TAXON 68(4): 828-838.
dc.description.abstractDuring the last 40 years, one of the most widespread and conspicuous succulent trees in East and north‐east Africa has been referred to as Euphorbia candelabrum Kotschy or as E. candelabrum Trémaux ex Kotschy. This name is a later homonym of E. candelabrum Welw., and consequently it is illegitimate. The species to which the name E. candelabrum Kotschy has been widely applied is shown to be conspecific with E. ingens, which occurs from southern Ethiopia to subtropical South Africa.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
dc.subject.otherwidespread species
dc.subject.otherillegitimate name
dc.titleThe nomenclature and application of the names Euphorbia candelabrum Welw. and Euphorbia ingens in tropical Africa
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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