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Activation of goat primordial follicles in vitro: Influence of alginate and ovarian tissue

dc.contributor.authorCorreia, Hudson H. V.
dc.contributor.authorLima, Laritza F.
dc.contributor.authorSousa, Francisca Geovania C.
dc.contributor.authorFerreira, Anna Clara A.
dc.contributor.authorCadenas, Jesus
dc.contributor.authorPaes, Victor M.
dc.contributor.authorAlves, Benner G.
dc.contributor.authorShikanov, Ariella
dc.contributor.authorFigueiredo, José Ricardo
dc.identifier.citationCorreia, Hudson H. V.; Lima, Laritza F.; Sousa, Francisca Geovania C.; Ferreira, Anna Clara A.; Cadenas, Jesus; Paes, Victor M.; Alves, Benner G.; Shikanov, Ariella; Figueiredo, José Ricardo (2020). "Activation of goat primordial follicles in vitro: Influence of alginate and ovarian tissue." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 55(1): 105-109.
dc.description.abstractThe present study aimed to evaluate the effect of three culture systems on caprine primordial follicle activation in vitro: follicles cultured either in the isolated form within alginate (Isolated follicles + Alginate treatment), or enclosed in ovarian tissue (in situ), with or without alginate (Fragment + Alginate, and Fragment alone treatments, respectively). After culture, the Isolated follicles + Alginate treatment presented a percentage of morphologically normal follicles (MNF) similar to both the non‐cultured control and the Fragment Alone treatments. Nevertheless, Fragment + Alginate treatment showed a significant reduction in the number of MNF when compared to the other treatments. Regarding follicle development, our results showed that regardless of the alginate, the presence of ovarian tissue limited primordial follicle activation during in vitro culture. Remarkably, the Isolated primordial follicle + Alginate treatment was the only one that significantly promoted follicle activation and increased both follicle and oocyte diameters during IVFC, pointing out a higher cell proliferation. In conclusion, the presence of ovarian tissue with or without alginate limited follicle development (activation) after culture. Nevertheless, when primordial follicles were isolated and encapsulated in alginate they presented suitable survival rates, higher rates of follicle activation and continued to grow throughout the culture period.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.other3D culture system
dc.subject.otherovarian tissue
dc.subject.otherprimordial follicles
dc.titleActivation of goat primordial follicles in vitro: Influence of alginate and ovarian tissue
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceReproduction in Domestic Animals
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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