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Mass Activated Droplet Sorting (MADS) Enables Highâ Throughput Screening of Enzymatic Reactions at Nanoliter Scale

dc.contributor.authorHolland‐moritz, Daniel A.
dc.contributor.authorWismer, Michael K.
dc.contributor.authorMann, Benjamin F.
dc.contributor.authorFarasat, Iman
dc.contributor.authorDevine, Paul
dc.contributor.authorGuetschow, Erik D.
dc.contributor.authorMangion, Ian
dc.contributor.authorWelch, Christopher J.
dc.contributor.authorMoore, Jeffrey C.
dc.contributor.authorSun, Shuwen
dc.contributor.authorKennedy, Robert T.
dc.identifier.citationHolland‐moritz, Daniel A. ; Wismer, Michael K.; Mann, Benjamin F.; Farasat, Iman; Devine, Paul; Guetschow, Erik D.; Mangion, Ian; Welch, Christopher J.; Moore, Jeffrey C.; Sun, Shuwen; Kennedy, Robert T. (2020). "Mass Activated Droplet Sorting (MADS) Enables Highâ Throughput Screening of Enzymatic Reactions at Nanoliter Scale." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59(11): 4470-4477.
dc.description.abstractMicrofluidic droplet sorting enables the highâ throughput screening and selection of waterâ inâ oil microreactors at speeds and volumes unparalleled by traditional wellâ plate approaches. Most such systems sort using fluorescent reporters on modified substrates or reactions that are rarely industrially relevant. We describe a microfluidic system for highâ throughput sorting of nanoliter droplets based on direct detection using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIâ MS). Droplets are split, one portion is analyzed by ESIâ MS, and the second portion is sorted based on the MS result. Throughput of 0.7â samplesâ sâ 1 is achieved with 98â % accuracy using a selfâ correcting and adaptive sorting algorithm. We use the system to screen â 15â 000â samples in 6â h and demonstrate its utility by sorting 25â nL droplets containing transaminase expressed in vitro. Labelâ free ESIâ MS droplet screening expands the toolbox for droplet detection and recovery, improving the applicability of droplet sorting to protein engineering, drug discovery, and diagnostic workflows.A microfluidic system for sorting nanoliter droplets based on mass spectrometry is presented. Fully automated, labelâ free sorting at 0.7â samplesâ sâ 1 is achieved with 98â % accuracy. In vitro transcription and translation (ivTT) of a transaminase enzyme in ca.â 25â nL samples is demonstrated and samples are sorted on the basis of enzyme activity.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othermass spectrometry
dc.subject.otherhigh-throughput screening
dc.subject.otherdroplet microfluidics
dc.titleMass Activated Droplet Sorting (MADS) Enables Highâ Throughput Screening of Enzymatic Reactions at Nanoliter Scale
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceAngewandte Chemie International Edition
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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