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Using macro cross‐border trade data to better understand micro‐level country of origin effects

dc.contributor.authorKandogan, Yener
dc.identifier.citationKandogan, Yener (2020). "Using macro cross‐border trade data to better understand micro‐level country of origin effects." Thunderbird International Business Review 62(2): 213-226.
dc.description.abstractThe article adapts an estimation methodology from the border effects literature to reveal consumer ethnocentrism versus cosmopolitanism in each country, and animosity versus nostalgia between country pairs. The measurements rely on actual macro cross‐border trade data rather than individual purchase intentions typically used in the international marketing literature. The results from early 2010s suggest that purchasing intentions against imports found in this literature do not necessarily translate into actual consumption behavior in international trade. It is quite possible that the consumers are unable to assess country of origin of production despite growing ethnocentrism, and base their actual purchases on perceived origin of product brands. Specifically, it is found that most countries are cosmopolitan rather than ethnocentric, particularly developed countries, favoring any foreign product over domestic products. Most countries also have nostalgic purchasing behavior from specific trade partners with historical linkages. Outside the specific traditional animosities between a country pair, a developed country is relatively less open to imports from another developed trade partner, while an emerging country welcomes it more especially from another emerging trade partner.
dc.publisherWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company
dc.subject.othercountry of origin effects
dc.titleUsing macro cross‐border trade data to better understand micro‐level country of origin effects
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelAmerican and Canadian Studies
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceThunderbird International Business Review
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