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Adolescentsâ Engagement with Crisis Hotline Riskâ management Services: A Report from the Emergency Department Screen for Teen Suicide Risk (EDâ STARS) Study

dc.contributor.authorBusby, Danielle R.
dc.contributor.authorKing, Cheryl A.
dc.contributor.authorBrent, David
dc.contributor.authorGrupp‐phelan, Jaqueline
dc.contributor.authorGould, Madelyn
dc.contributor.authorPage, Kent
dc.contributor.authorCasper, Theron Charles
dc.identifier.citationBusby, Danielle R.; King, Cheryl A.; Brent, David; Grupp‐phelan, Jaqueline ; Gould, Madelyn; Page, Kent; Casper, Theron Charles (2020). "Adolescentsâ Engagement with Crisis Hotline Riskâ management Services: A Report from the Emergency Department Screen for Teen Suicide Risk (EDâ STARS) Study." Suicide and Lifeâ Threatening Behavior 50(1): 72-82.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.titleAdolescentsâ Engagement with Crisis Hotline Riskâ management Services: A Report from the Emergency Department Screen for Teen Suicide Risk (EDâ STARS) Study
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceSuicide and Lifeâ Threatening Behavior
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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