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Statistical Analysis of the Main Ionospheric Trough Using Swarm in Situ Measurements

dc.contributor.authorAa, Ercha
dc.contributor.authorZou, Shasha
dc.contributor.authorErickson, Philip J.
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Shun‐rong
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Siqing
dc.identifier.citationAa, Ercha; Zou, Shasha; Erickson, Philip J.; Zhang, Shun‐rong ; Liu, Siqing (2020). "Statistical Analysis of the Main Ionospheric Trough Using Swarm in Situ Measurements." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125(3): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractA statistical analysis of the topside main ionospheric trough is implemented by using the Swarm constellation in situ plasma density measurements from December 2013 to November 2019. The key features of the main trough, such as the occurrence rate, minimum position, width, and depth, are characterized and quantified. The distribution patterns of these parameters are investigated with respect to magnetic local time, season, longitude, solar activity, and geomagnetic activity levels, respectively. The main results are as follows: (1) The diurnal variation of the trough occurrence rate usually exhibits a primary peak in the early morning, a subsidiary peak in the late evening, and a slight reduction around midnight especially in the Northern Hemisphere. (2) The seasonal variation of the nighttime trough has maximum occurrence rates around equinoxes, higher than those in local winter. (3) The trough distribution has an evident hemispherical asymmetry. It is more pronounced in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter and equinoctial seasons, with its average nighttime occurrence rate being 20â 30% higher than that in the Southern Hemisphere. The trough minimum position and the trough width also exhibit more significant fluctuation in the Northern Hemisphere. (4) The longitudinal pattern of the trough shows clear eastâ west preferences, which has a higher occurrence rate in eastern (western) longitudes around the December (June) solstice. (5) Conditions for the trough occurrence are more favored in low solar activity and high geomagnetic activity periods.Key PointsThe occurrence rate of the main ionospheric trough at 450â 550 km exhibits a slight midnight reduction comparing with evening/morning peaksThe trough has a longitudinal preference with higher occurrence rate in the eastern (western) longitudes around the December (June) solsticeConditions for the trough occurrence are more favored in equinoxes than local winter and in Northern Hemisphere than Southern Hemisphere
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.publisherCambridge University Press
dc.subject.otherminimum position variation
dc.subject.otheroccurrence rate variation
dc.subject.otherSwarm in situ Ne
dc.subject.othermain ionospheric trough
dc.titleStatistical Analysis of the Main Ionospheric Trough Using Swarm in Situ Measurements
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelAstronomy and Astrophysics
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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