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Realization of an Asymmetric Non‐Aqueous Redox Flow Battery through Molecular Design to Minimize Active Species Crossover and Decomposition

dc.contributor.authorShrestha, Anuska
dc.contributor.authorHendriks, Koen H.
dc.contributor.authorSigman, Mathew S.
dc.contributor.authorMinteer, Shelley D.
dc.contributor.authorSanford, Melanie S.
dc.identifier.citationShrestha, Anuska; Hendriks, Koen H.; Sigman, Mathew S.; Minteer, Shelley D.; Sanford, Melanie S. (2020). "Realization of an Asymmetric Non‐Aqueous Redox Flow Battery through Molecular Design to Minimize Active Species Crossover and Decomposition." Chemistry – A European Journal 26(24): 5369-5373.
dc.description.abstractThis communication presents a mechanism‐based approach to identify organic electrolytes for non‐aqueous redox flow batteries (RFBs). Symmetrical flow cell cycling of a pyridinium anolyte and a cyclopropenium catholyte resulted in extensive capacity fade due to competing decomposition of the pyridinium species. Characterization of this decomposition pathway enabled the rational design of next‐generation anolyte/catholyte pairs with dramatically enhanced cycling performance. Three factors were identified as critical for slowing capacity fade: (1) separating the anolyte–catholyte in an asymmetric flow cell using an anion exchange membrane (AEM); (2) moving from monomeric to oligomeric electrolytes to limit crossover through the AEM; and (3) removing the basic carbonyl moiety from the anolyte to slow the protonation‐induced decomposition pathway. Ultimately, these modifications led to a novel anolyte–catholyte pair that can be cycled in an AEM‐separated asymmetric RFB for 96 h with >95 % capacity retention at an open circuit voltage of 1.57 V.Applied molecular design! This study presents a mechanism‐based approach to the molecular design of electrolytes for implementation in an asymmetric non‐aqueous redox flow battery.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherredox flow batteries
dc.subject.otheranolyte decomposition
dc.titleRealization of an Asymmetric Non‐Aqueous Redox Flow Battery through Molecular Design to Minimize Active Species Crossover and Decomposition
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceChemistry – A European Journal
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dc.identifier.citedreferencePy1 was selected as the anolyte for these studies based on its synthetic accessibility (i.e., the synthesis of Py1 is readily scalable and proceeds in 1 step from commercial materials).
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceBoth of the decomposed compounds are reoxidized to the ketone in the presence of air.
dc.identifier.citedreferenceControl experiments reveal that neither Py1 nor Py-1. decompose to Py1-OH or Py1-H 2 when stored for 96 h in 0.5  m KPF 6 in MeCN. Furthermore, <5 % decomposition is observed over this timescale during half-cell electrochemical cycling of Py1. Leventis et al. have reported on similar decomposition products during the electrochemical cycling of pyridinium salts in the presence of proton donors. Similarly, we observe that half-cell electrochemical cycling of Py1 in the presence of 5 equivalents of acetic acid leads to quantitative conversion to Py1-OH. Overall, this leads us to hypothesize that the radical cation of CP (generated during flow cell cycling in this system) reacts with adventitious water to generate protons, which then lead to the decay of the anolyte.
dc.identifier.citedreferenceProtonation has frequently been invoked as a parasitic reaction leading to decomposition of ROMs, particularly those containing a carbonyl moiety. See:
dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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