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Cranial nerve outcomes in regionally recurrent head & neck melanoma after sentinel lymph node biopsy

dc.contributor.authorHanks, John E.
dc.contributor.authorYalamanchi, Pratyusha
dc.contributor.authorKovatch, Kevin J.
dc.contributor.authorAli, S. Ahmed
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Joshua D.
dc.contributor.authorDurham, Alison B.
dc.contributor.authorBradford, Carol R.
dc.contributor.authorMalloy, Kelly M.
dc.contributor.authorMcLean, Scott A.
dc.identifier.citationHanks, John E.; Yalamanchi, Pratyusha; Kovatch, Kevin J.; Ali, S. Ahmed; Smith, Joshua D.; Durham, Alison B.; Bradford, Carol R.; Malloy, Kelly M.; McLean, Scott A. (2020). "Cranial nerve outcomes in regionally recurrent head & neck melanoma after sentinel lymph node biopsy." The Laryngoscope 130(7): 1707-1714.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
dc.subject.othersentinel lymph node biopsy
dc.subject.otherhead and neck cutaneous melanoma
dc.subject.othercranial nerve
dc.titleCranial nerve outcomes in regionally recurrent head & neck melanoma after sentinel lymph node biopsy
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceThe Laryngoscope
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