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A bi‐organellar phylogenomic study of Pandanales: inference of higher‐order relationships and unusual rate‐variation patterns

dc.contributor.authorSoto Gomez, Marybel
dc.contributor.authorLin, Qianshi
dc.contributor.authorSilva Leal, Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorGallaher, Timothy J.
dc.contributor.authorScherberich, David
dc.contributor.authorMennes, Constantijn B.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Selena Y.
dc.contributor.authorGraham, Sean W.
dc.identifier.citationSoto Gomez, Marybel; Lin, Qianshi; Silva Leal, Eduardo; Gallaher, Timothy J.; Scherberich, David; Mennes, Constantijn B.; Smith, Selena Y.; Graham, Sean W. (2020). "A bi‐organellar phylogenomic study of Pandanales: inference of higher‐order relationships and unusual rate‐variation patterns." Cladistics 36(5): 481-504.
dc.description.abstractWe used a bi‐organellar phylogenomic approach to address higher‐order relationships in Pandanales, including the first molecular phylogenetic study of the panama‐hat family, Cyclanthaceae. Our genus‐level study of plastid and mitochondrial gene sets includes a comprehensive sampling of photosynthetic lineages across the order, and provides a framework for investigating clade ages, biogeographic hypotheses and organellar molecular evolution. Using multiple inference methods and both organellar genomes, we recovered mostly congruent and strongly supported relationships within and between families, including the placement of fully mycoheterotrophic Triuridaceae. Cyclanthaceae and Pandanaceae plastomes have slow substitution rates, contributing to weakly supported plastid‐based relationships in Cyclanthaceae. While generally slowly evolving, mitochondrial genomes exhibit sporadic rate elevation across the order. However, we infer well‐supported relationships even for slower evolving mitochondrial lineages in Cyclanthaceae. Clade age estimates across photosynthetic lineages are largely consistent with previous studies, are well correlated between the two organellar genomes (with slightly younger inferences from mitochondrial data), and support several biogeographic hypotheses. We show that rapidly evolving non‐photosynthetic lineages may bias age estimates upwards at neighbouring photosynthetic nodes, even using a relaxed clock model. Finally, we uncovered new genome structural variants in photosynthetic taxa at plastid inverted repeat boundaries that show promise as interfamilial phylogenetic markers.
dc.publisherRoyal Botanic Gardens
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.titleA bi‐organellar phylogenomic study of Pandanales: inference of higher‐order relationships and unusual rate‐variation patterns
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelEcology and Evolutionary Biology
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
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