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How the Reading for Understanding Initiative’s Research Complicates the Simple View of Reading Invoked in the Science of Reading

dc.contributor.authorCervetti, Gina N.
dc.contributor.authorPearson, P. David
dc.contributor.authorPalincsar, Annemarie S.
dc.contributor.authorAfflerbach, Peter
dc.contributor.authorKendeou, Panayiota
dc.contributor.authorBiancarosa, Gina
dc.contributor.authorHiggs, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorFitzgerald, Miranda S.
dc.contributor.authorBerman, Amy I.
dc.identifier.citationCervetti, Gina N.; Pearson, P. David; Palincsar, Annemarie S.; Afflerbach, Peter; Kendeou, Panayiota; Biancarosa, Gina; Higgs, Jennifer; Fitzgerald, Miranda S.; Berman, Amy I. (2020). "How the Reading for Understanding Initiative’s Research Complicates the Simple View of Reading Invoked in the Science of Reading." Reading Research Quarterly 55: S161-S172.
dc.description.abstractAdvocates of the science of reading have invoked the simple view of reading (SVR) to justify an approach that foregrounds decoding in early reading instruction. The SVR, which describes comprehension as the product of decoding and listening comprehension, also served as the primary theoretical model underlying the Reading for Understanding (RfU) initiative. Research funded under the RfU initiative included direct examinations of the validity of the SVR and the nature of its underlying components and extended the SVR in studies of middle school and high school readers. In this article, the authors use research conducted under the RfU initiative to examine the validity and utility of the SVR, in general, and the appropriateness of its application in the “science of reading” debate. RfU research has provided not only evidence in support of the overall SVR model but also important cautions relevant to the “science of reading” debate. In particular, RfU has provided evidence regarding the significance of the listening comprehension component of the SVR, often overlooked by advocates of the science of reading. This research has documented the importance of early oral language skills, which support both decoding and listening comprehension in young readers and plays a critical role in students’ success as readers as they move through school. In addition, RfU research has identified a complicated constellation of skills and knowledge that impact reading comprehension as students advance in school.
dc.publisherNational Academy of Education
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherComprehension (General)
dc.subject.otherComprehension Instruction
dc.subject.otherContent Area Literacy
dc.subject.otherResearch Synthesis
dc.subject.other1‐Early childhood
dc.subject.otherOral language
dc.subject.other3‐Early adolescence
dc.subject.otherAcademic Literacy/ Literacies
dc.titleHow the Reading for Understanding Initiative’s Research Complicates the Simple View of Reading Invoked in the Science of Reading
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceReading Research Quarterly
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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