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Zwitterionic 3D- Printed Non- Immunogenic Stealth Microrobots

dc.contributor.authorCabanach, Pol
dc.contributor.authorPena‐francesch, Abdon
dc.contributor.authorSheehan, Devin
dc.contributor.authorBozuyuk, Ugur
dc.contributor.authorYasa, Oncay
dc.contributor.authorBorros, Salvador
dc.contributor.authorSitti, Metin
dc.identifier.citationCabanach, Pol; Pena‐francesch, Abdon ; Sheehan, Devin; Bozuyuk, Ugur; Yasa, Oncay; Borros, Salvador; Sitti, Metin (2020). "Zwitterionic 3D- Printed Non- Immunogenic Stealth Microrobots." Advanced Materials 32(42): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractMicrorobots offer transformative solutions for non- invasive medical interventions due to their small size and untethered operation inside the human body. However, they must face the immune system as a natural protection mechanism against foreign threats. Here, non- immunogenic stealth zwitterionic microrobots that avoid recognition from immune cells are introduced. Fully zwitterionic photoresists are developed for two- photon polymerization 3D microprinting of hydrogel microrobots with ample functionalization: tunable mechanical properties, anti- biofouling and non- immunogenic properties, functionalization for magnetic actuation, encapsulation of biomolecules, and surface functionalization for drug delivery. Stealth microrobots avoid detection by macrophage cells of the innate immune system after exhaustive inspection (>90 hours), which has not been achieved in any microrobotic platform to date. These versatile zwitterionic materials eliminate a major roadblock in the development of biocompatible microrobots, and will serve as a toolbox of non- immunogenic materials for medical microrobot and other device technologies for bioengineering and biomedical applications.Zwitterionic stealth microrobots avoid detection and capture by immune cells. Zwitterionic microrobots with anti- biofouling, stealth, and non- immunogenic properties are 3D- printed via two- photon- polymerization, and are functionalized for magnetic actuation, encapsulation of biomolecules, and drug delivery. The microrobots remain undetected by macrophages and other immune cells for at least 90 hours, overcoming a major roadblock in medical microrobotics.
dc.publisherMIT Press
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherstealth microrobots
dc.subject.othertwo- photon polymerization
dc.subject.otherzwitterionic materials
dc.subject.othernon- immunogenic properties
dc.titleZwitterionic 3D- Printed Non- Immunogenic Stealth Microrobots
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelEngineering (General)
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelMaterials Science and Engineering
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceAdvanced Materials
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