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Statistical Study of Ion Upflow and Downflow Observed by PFISR

dc.contributor.authorRen, Jiaen
dc.contributor.authorZou, Shasha
dc.contributor.authorLu, Jiayue
dc.contributor.authorGiertych, Naomi
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yang
dc.contributor.authorVarney, Roger H.
dc.contributor.authorReimer, Ashton S.
dc.identifier.citationRen, Jiaen; Zou, Shasha; Lu, Jiayue; Giertych, Naomi; Chen, Yang; Varney, Roger H.; Reimer, Ashton S. (2020). "Statistical Study of Ion Upflow and Downflow Observed by PFISR." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125(10): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractIon upflow in the F region and topside ionosphere can greatly influence the ion density and fluxes at higher altitudes and thus has significant impact on ion outflow. We investigated the statistical characteristics of ion upflow and downflow using a 3‐year (2011–2013) data set from the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR). Ion upflow is twice more likely to occur on the nightside than on the dayside in PFISR observations, while downflow events occur more often in the afternoon sector. Upflow and downflow on the dayside tend to occur at altitudes ~500 km, higher than those on the nightside. Both upflow and downflow occur more frequently as ion convection speed increases. Upflow observed from 16 to 6 magnetic local time through midnight is associated with temperature and density enhancements. Occurrence rates of upflow on the nightside and downflow on the dayside increase with geomagnetic activity level. On the nightside, occurrence rate of ion upflow increases with enhanced solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) drivers as well as southwestward local magnetic perturbations. The lack of correlation of upflow on the dayside with the solar wind and IMF parameters is because PFISR is usually equatorward of the dayside auroral zone. Occurrence rate of downflow does not show strong dependence on the solar wind and IMF conditions. However, it occurs much more frequently on the dayside when the IMF By > 10 nT and the IMF Bz < −10 nT, which we suggest is associated with the decaying of the dayside storm‐enhanced density (SED) and the SED plume.Key PointsThe occurrence frequency of ion upflow increases with enhanced geomagnetic activity level and stronger solar wind and IMF drivingIon upflow at PFISR latitude is twice more likely to occur on the nightside than on the daysidePeak ion downflow occurrence rate reaches 30% on the dayside during strongly positive IMF By and negative Bz, associated with SED and plume
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.publisherOxford University Press
dc.subject.otherion upflow
dc.subject.otherion downflow
dc.subject.otherstatistical study
dc.subject.othersolar wind
dc.subject.otheroccurrence frequency
dc.titleStatistical Study of Ion Upflow and Downflow Observed by PFISR
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelAstronomy and Astrophysics
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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