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What if I am the one? Measuring individual differences in emotional sensitivity to probability and emotional reactivity to possibility

dc.contributor.authorLacey, Heather P.
dc.contributor.authorLacey, Steven C.
dc.contributor.authorScherer, Laura D.
dc.contributor.authorZikmund‐fisher, Brian J.
dc.identifier.citationLacey, Heather P.; Lacey, Steven C.; Scherer, Laura D.; Zikmund‐fisher, Brian J. (2021). "What if I am the one? Measuring individual differences in emotional sensitivity to probability and emotional reactivity to possibility." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 34(1): 3-19.
dc.description.abstractCurrent theories of risk perception point to the powerful role of emotion and the neglect of probabilistic information in the face of risk, but these tendencies differ across individuals. We propose a method for measuring individuals’ emotional sensitivity to probability to assess how feelings about probabilities, rather than the probabilities themselves, influence decisions. Participants gave affective ratings (worry or excitement) to 14 risky events, each with a specified probability ranging from 1 in 10 to 1 in 10,000,000. For each participant, we regressed these emotional responses against item probabilities, estimating a slope (the degree to which emotional responses change with probability) and an intercept (the emotional reaction to an event with a fixed probability). These two parameters were treated as individual difference scores and included in models predicting reactions to several health risk scenarios. Both emotional sensitivity to probability (slope) and emotional reactivity to possibility (intercept) significantly predicted responses to these scenarios, above and beyond the predictive power of other well- established individual difference measures.
dc.publisherR Foundation for Statistical Computing
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othersensitivity to probability
dc.subject.otherhealth decisions
dc.subject.otherindividual differences
dc.subject.otherrisk perception
dc.titleWhat if I am the one? Measuring individual differences in emotional sensitivity to probability and emotional reactivity to possibility
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Behavioral Decision Making
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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