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Genomic insights into the origin of trans‐Mediterranean disjunct distributions

dc.contributor.authorNoguerales, Víctor
dc.contributor.authorCordero, Pedro J.
dc.contributor.authorKnowles, L. Lacey
dc.contributor.authorOrtego, Joaquín 16:46:53en
dc.identifier.citationNoguerales, Víctor ; Cordero, Pedro J.; Knowles, L. Lacey; Ortego, Joaquín (2021). "Genomic insights into the origin of trans‐Mediterranean disjunct distributions." Journal of Biogeography (2): 440-452.
dc.description.abstractAimTwo main biogeographical hypotheses have been proposed to explain the Mediterranean‐Turanian disjunct distributions exhibited by numerous steppe‐dwelling organisms, namely (a) dispersal during the Messinian salinity crisis (∼5.96–5.33 Ma) followed by range fragmentation and vicariance, and (b) Pleistocene colonization and recent processes of population subdivision (<2 Ma). Despite the two hypotheses postulate the role of climatic alterations and changes in landmass configuration on determining such disjunct distributions, estimates of the timing of lineage diversification have not been complemented so far with spatially‐explicit tests providing independent evidence on the proximate processes underlying geographical patterns of population genetic connectivity/fragmentation.LocationMediterranean‐Turanian region.TaxonSaltmarsh band‐winged grasshopper (Mioscirtus wagneri).MethodsWe integrate different sources of genetic (mtDNA and ddRADseq) and spatial information (configuration of emerged lands and niche modelling) to evaluate competing hypotheses of lineage diversification in the saltmarsh band‐winged grasshopper, a halophile species showing a classical Mediterranean‐Turanian disjunct distribution.ResultsPhylogenomic analyses reveal the presence of two North African cryptic lineages and support that trans‐Mediterranean populations of the species diverged in the Pleistocene, with evidence of post‐Messinian permeability of the Strait of Gibraltar to gene flow likely associated with sea level drops during glacial periods. Accordingly, spatial patterns of genetic differentiation are best explained by a scenario of population connectivity defined by the configuration of emerged landmasses and environmentally suitable habitats during glacial periods, a time when effective population sizes of the species peaked as inferred by genomic‐based demographic reconstructions.Main conclusionsOur results support post‐Messinian colonization and Pleistocene diversification as the biogeographical scenario best explaining the trans‐Mediterranean disjunct distributions of halophilous organisms.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.publisherOxford University Press
dc.subject.otherbiogeographical scenarios
dc.subject.otherdisjunct distributions
dc.titleGenomic insights into the origin of trans‐Mediterranean disjunct distributions
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelGeography and Maps
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Biogeography
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