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Human adaptation strategies are key to cobenefits in human–wildlife systems

dc.contributor.authorKillion, Alexander K.
dc.contributor.authorRamirez, Julianna M.
dc.contributor.authorCarter, Neil H. 13:26:59en
dc.identifier.citationKillion, Alexander K.; Ramirez, Julianna M.; Carter, Neil H. (2021). "Human adaptation strategies are key to cobenefits in human–wildlife systems." Conservation Letters 14(2): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractSustainable development goals such as global food security and biodiversity conservation can conflict because these efforts create situations where humans and wildlife share landscapes, often leading to interactions that detrimentally affect both groups. Therefore, coexistence between humans and wildlife is more likely when adaptation strategies produce and sustain cobenefits, rather than benefitting one group only. However, we lack a good understanding of how different social and ecological factors contribute to cobenefit outcomes, which limits our opportunities to address local issues and scale up successful conservation actions. Here, we performed the first global review of the human–wildlife interaction literature to assess which human adaptation strategies generated cobenefits and how stakeholder involvement and other context‐specific conditions mediated those outcomes. We found that active guarding, fencing, repellents, and socioeconomic mechanisms consistently led to cobenefits across species and contexts. Thus, these interventions might be the best candidates for scaling up coexistence from local to regional or national scales. Surprisingly, stakeholder involvement was less consequential than other variables, yet, overall, it played an important role in sustaining cobenefits regardless of adaptation strategy or social–ecological context. We highlight future research directions to help manage tradeoffs and achieve sustainable coexistence outcomes in shared landscapes.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othershared landscapes
dc.titleHuman adaptation strategies are key to cobenefits in human–wildlife systems
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelNatural Resources and Environment
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceConservation Letters
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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