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An efficient R1Ï dispersion imaging method for human knee cartilage using constant magnetization prepared turbo- FLASH

dc.contributor.authorPang, Yuxi
dc.contributor.authorPalmieri‐smith, Riann M.
dc.contributor.authorMaerz, Tristan 17:05:07en
dc.identifier.citationPang, Yuxi; Palmieri‐smith, Riann M. ; Maerz, Tristan (2021). "An efficient R1Ï dispersion imaging method for human knee cartilage using constant magnetization prepared turbo- FLASH." NMR in Biomedicine 34(6): n/a-n/a.
dc.publisherSpringer Science & Business Media
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othertailored constant R1Ï weighting
dc.subject.otherhuman knee articular cartilage
dc.subject.othermagic angle effect
dc.subject.otherquantitative R1Ï dispersion imaging
dc.subject.otherturbo- FLASH
dc.subject.otherfully refocused spin- lock preparation
dc.titleAn efficient R1Ï dispersion imaging method for human knee cartilage using constant magnetization prepared turbo- FLASH
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelElectrical Engineering
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceNMR in Biomedicine
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