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A nuclear phylogenomic study of the angiosperm order Myrtales, exploring the potential and limitations of the universal Angiosperms353 probe set

dc.contributor.authorMaurin, Olivier
dc.contributor.authorAnest, Artemis
dc.contributor.authorBellot, Sidonie
dc.contributor.authorBiffin, Edward
dc.contributor.authorBrewer, Grace
dc.contributor.authorCharles‐dominique, Tristan
dc.contributor.authorCowan, Robyn S.
dc.contributor.authorDodsworth, Steven
dc.contributor.authorEpitawalage, Niroshini
dc.contributor.authorGallego, Berta
dc.contributor.authorGiaretta, Augusto
dc.contributor.authorGoldenberg, Renato
dc.contributor.authorGonçalves, Deise J.p.
dc.contributor.authorGraham, Shirley
dc.contributor.authorHoch, Peter
dc.contributor.authorMazine, Fiorella
dc.contributor.authorLow, Yee Wen
dc.contributor.authorMcGinnie, Catherine
dc.contributor.authorMichelangeli, Fabián A.
dc.contributor.authorMorris, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorPenneys, Darin S.
dc.contributor.authorPérez Escobar, Oscar Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorPillon, Yohan
dc.contributor.authorPokorny, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorShimizu, Gustavo
dc.contributor.authorStaggemeier, Vanessa G.
dc.contributor.authorThornhill, Andrew H.
dc.contributor.authorTomlinson, Kyle W.
dc.contributor.authorTurner, Ian M.
dc.contributor.authorVasconcelos, Thais
dc.contributor.authorWilson, Peter G.
dc.contributor.authorZuntini, Alexandre R.
dc.contributor.authorBaker, William J.
dc.contributor.authorForest, Félix
dc.contributor.authorLucas, Eve 14:16:52en
dc.identifier.citationMaurin, Olivier; Anest, Artemis; Bellot, Sidonie; Biffin, Edward; Brewer, Grace; Charles‐dominique, Tristan ; Cowan, Robyn S.; Dodsworth, Steven; Epitawalage, Niroshini; Gallego, Berta; Giaretta, Augusto; Goldenberg, Renato; Gonçalves, Deise J.p. ; Graham, Shirley; Hoch, Peter; Mazine, Fiorella; Low, Yee Wen; McGinnie, Catherine; Michelangeli, Fabián A. ; Morris, Sarah; Penneys, Darin S.; Pérez Escobar, Oscar Alejandro ; Pillon, Yohan; Pokorny, Lisa; Shimizu, Gustavo; Staggemeier, Vanessa G.; Thornhill, Andrew H.; Tomlinson, Kyle W.; Turner, Ian M.; Vasconcelos, Thais; Wilson, Peter G.; Zuntini, Alexandre R.; Baker, William J.; Forest, Félix ; Lucas, Eve (2021). "A nuclear phylogenomic study of the angiosperm order Myrtales, exploring the potential and limitations of the universal Angiosperms353 probe set." American Journal of Botany (7): 1087-1111.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.publisherR. Oldenbourg
dc.titleA nuclear phylogenomic study of the angiosperm order Myrtales, exploring the potential and limitations of the universal Angiosperms353 probe set
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceAmerican Journal of Botany
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