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Protein structure prediction using deep learning distance and hydrogen‐bonding restraints in CASP14

dc.contributor.authorZheng, Wei
dc.contributor.authorLi, Yang
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Chengxin
dc.contributor.authorZhou, Xiaogen
dc.contributor.authorPearce, Robin
dc.contributor.authorBell, Eric W.
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Xiaoqiang
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Yang 21:28:45en
dc.identifier.citationZheng, Wei; Li, Yang; Zhang, Chengxin; Zhou, Xiaogen; Pearce, Robin; Bell, Eric W.; Huang, Xiaoqiang; Zhang, Yang (2021). "Protein structure prediction using deep learning distance and hydrogen‐bonding restraints in CASP14." Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 89(12): 1734-1751.
dc.description.abstractIn this article, we report 3D structure prediction results by two of our best server groups (“Zhang‐Server” and “QUARK”) in CASP14. These two servers were built based on the D‐I‐TASSER and D‐QUARK algorithms, which integrated four newly developed components into the classical protein folding pipelines, I‐TASSER and QUARK, respectively. The new components include: (a) a new multiple sequence alignment (MSA) collection tool, DeepMSA2, which is extended from the DeepMSA program; (b) a contact‐based domain boundary prediction algorithm, FUpred, to detect protein domain boundaries; (c) a residual convolutional neural network‐based method, DeepPotential, to predict multiple spatial restraints by co‐evolutionary features derived from the MSA; and (d) optimized spatial restraint energy potentials to guide the structure assembly simulations. For 37 FM targets, the average TM‐scores of the first models produced by D‐I‐TASSER and D‐QUARK were 96% and 112% higher than those constructed by I‐TASSER and QUARK, respectively. The data analysis indicates noticeable improvements produced by each of the four new components, especially for the newly added spatial restraints from DeepPotential and the well‐tuned force field that combines spatial restraints, threading templates, and generic knowledge‐based potentials. However, challenges still exist in the current pipelines. These include difficulties in modeling multi‐domain proteins due to low accuracy in inter‐domain distance prediction and modeling protein domains from oligomer complexes, as the co‐evolutionary analysis cannot distinguish inter‐chain and intra‐chain distances. Specifically tuning the deep learning‐based predictors for multi‐domain targets and protein complexes may be helpful to address these issues.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
dc.subject.otherprotein structure prediction
dc.subject.otherresidue‐residue distance prediction
dc.subject.otherab initio folding
dc.subject.otherdeep learning
dc.subject.otherdomain partition
dc.subject.othermultiple sequence alignment
dc.titleProtein structure prediction using deep learning distance and hydrogen‐bonding restraints in CASP14
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelBiological Chemistry
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceProteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics
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