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Translation surfaces and periods of meromorphic differentials

dc.contributor.authorChenakkod, Shabarish
dc.contributor.authorFaraco, Gianluca
dc.contributor.authorGupta, Subhojoy 14:03:20en
dc.identifier.citationChenakkod, Shabarish; Faraco, Gianluca; Gupta, Subhojoy (2022). "Translation surfaces and periods of meromorphic differentials." Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 124(4): 478-557.
dc.description.abstractLet S$S$ be an oriented surface of genus g$g$ and n$n$ punctures. The periods of any meromorphic differential on S$S$, with respect to a choice of complex structure, determine a representation χ:Γg,n→C$chi :Gamma _{g,n} rightarrow mathbb {C}$ where Γg,n$Gamma _{g,n}$ is the first homology group of S$S$. We characterise the representations that thus arise, that is, lie in the image of the period map Per:ΩMg,n→Hom(Γg,n,C)$textsf {Per}:Omega mathcal {M}_{g,n}rightarrow textsf {Hom}(Gamma _{g,n}, {mathbb {C}})$. This generalises a classical result of Haupt in the holomorphic case. Moreover, we determine the image of this period map when restricted to any stratum of meromorphic differentials, having prescribed orders of zeros and poles. Our proofs are geometric, as they aim to construct a translation structure on S$S$ with the prescribed holonomy χ$chi$. Along the way, we describe a connection with the Hurwitz problem concerning the existence of branched covers with prescribed branching data.
dc.publisherAmer. Math. Soc
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.titleTranslation surfaces and periods of meromorphic differentials
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceProceedings of the London Mathematical Society
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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