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Faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion in academic dentistry: Revisiting the past and analyzing the present to create the future

dc.contributor.authorCain, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorBrady, Michelle
dc.contributor.authorInglehart, Marita R.
dc.contributor.authorIstrate, Emilia C. 11:51:01en
dc.identifier.citationCain, Lisa; Brady, Michelle; Inglehart, Marita R.; Istrate, Emilia C. (2022). "Faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion in academic dentistry: Revisiting the past and analyzing the present to create the future." Journal of Dental Education 86(9): 1198-1209.
dc.description.abstractAimIn 2021, NIDCR published the landmark report “Oral Health in America.” It described that while oral health-related research and care has seen amazing progress, oral health inequities and lack of oral care for large segments of the US population have not improved. This situation plus the predicted increase of the diversification of the US population requires decisive actions to ensure that future dentists will be optimally prepared to provide the best possible care for all patients. A diverse dental educator workforce plays a crucial role in obtaining this goal. The objectives of this document were threefold. Aim 1 was to analyze past and current trends in the diversity and inclusion of historically underrepresented ethnic/racial (HURE) and marginalized (HURM) dental faculty members. Aim 2 focused on reviewing best practices and challenges related to achieving dental faculty and leadership diversity and inclusion. Aim 3 was to develop recommendations for increasing the diversity and inclusion of dental faculty in the present and future.MethodsAn analysis of ethnicity/race and gender faculty data collected by the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) in 2011–2012 and 2018–2019 showed that achieving faculty diversity and inclusion has been an ongoing challenge, with limited success for faculty from HURE backgrounds. In order to create this much-needed change, best practices to increase the applicant pool, change recruitment strategies, and develop solid retention and promotion efforts were described. Research discussing the challenges to creating such changes was analyzed, and strategies for interventions were discussed.ConclusionIn conclusion, evaluations of efforts designed to create a more diverse and inclusive work force is crucial. Institutions must evaluate their diversity data, practices utilized, and the policies implemented to determine whether the desired outcomes are achieved. Only then will the future dental workforce be optimally prepared to provide the best possible care for all patients in the United States.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.publisherPew Research Center
dc.subject.othersocial inclusion
dc.subject.otherdental cultural diversity
dc.subject.otherdental faculty
dc.subject.otherpersonnel retention
dc.subject.otherrecruitment activities
dc.titleFaculty diversity, equity, and inclusion in academic dentistry: Revisiting the past and analyzing the present to create the future
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Dental Education
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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