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Taxonomies for synthesizing the evidence on communicating numbers in health: Goals, format, and structure

dc.contributor.authorAncker, Jessica S.
dc.contributor.authorBenda, Natalie C.
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Mohit M.
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Stephen B.
dc.contributor.authorWeiner, Stephanie
dc.contributor.authorZikmund-Fisher, Brian J. 13:58:03en
dc.identifier.citationAncker, Jessica S.; Benda, Natalie C.; Sharma, Mohit M.; Johnson, Stephen B.; Weiner, Stephanie; Zikmund-Fisher, Brian J. (2022). "Taxonomies for synthesizing the evidence on communicating numbers in health: Goals, format, and structure." Risk Analysis 42(12): 2656-2670.
dc.description.abstractMany people, especially those with low numeracy, are known to have difficulty interpreting and applying quantitative information to health decisions. These difficulties have resulted in a rich body of research about better ways to communicate numbers. Synthesizing this body of research into evidence-based guidance, however, is complicated by inconsistencies in research terminology and researcher goals. In this article, we introduce three taxonomies intended to systematize terminology in the literature, derived from an ongoing systematic literature review. The first taxonomy provides a systematic nomenclature for the outcome measures assessed in the studies, including perceptions, decisions, and actions. The second taxonomy is a nomenclature for the data formats assessed, including numbers (and different formats for numbers) and graphics. The third taxonomy describes the quantitative concepts being conveyed, from the simplest (a single value at a single point in time) to more complex ones (including a risk-benefit trade-off and a trend over time). Finally, we demonstrate how these three taxonomies can be used to resolve ambiguities and apparent contradictions in the literature.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherdata graphics
dc.subject.otherhealth numeracy
dc.subject.otherrisk communication
dc.titleTaxonomies for synthesizing the evidence on communicating numbers in health: Goals, format, and structure
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelBusiness (General)
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelBusiness and Economics
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceRisk Analysis
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